NASA-Star Bridge Space Act Agreement
bullet symbol Drs. Storaasli & Singleterry: 1st "hands on" users
bullet symbol HAL-15 external Hypercomputer delivered to ACMB 3/27
bullet symbol Benchmark/algorithm/equation solver research underway
bullet symbol C&I '02 Award for serious algorithm exploration

VIVA Class ( Feb 5-9 2002)
bullet symbol FPGA Board, FPGAs, Robert
bullet symbol Kent's idea, Robert & Olaf, Lloyd "debugs", Swiss & NZ
bullet symbol Star Bridge: Brent, Kent & Bob, Lloyd
bullet symbol VIVA Code (Examples)
bullet symbol VIVA compiles, analyzes, optimizes & routes: 1, 2

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Responsible Official: Dr. Olaf Storaasli | Contact: ACMB Web Group
Feedback on Langley Products and Services | Last Modified: 16-Aug-2002