

The Electric Universe [EU] model ('Electrical nature of matter & the universe')

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>"The Electric Universe [EU] model is simple enough that it can be taught to young children, but it first requires that cosmology is actually included in the science curriculum and then treated with a reasonable level of importance (the subject of a forthcoming article). For the more mature student, the science curriculum should include studying the behaviour of electricity in gases. Everyone is familiar with lightning. Most have seen fluorescent and neon lights. And the writhing “life-like” filaments in the novelty ‘plasma ball’ are a favorite with kids. But familiarity with lightning and neon lights does not equate with understanding. Lightning and the plasma behavior inside those glass tubes and balls are a mystery to almost everyone. Yet the environment inside those objects most closely equates to that of the rest of the universe."

>> Plasma ball and planetary nebula NGC 6751. Credit for NGC 6751, NASA and STScI/AURA.
- Wal Thornhill, The Simple Electric Universe, 06 September 2009

"The EU model is based on a hierarchy of repeated patterns of plasma behavior, from the size of a galaxy down to a few centimeters in the laboratory. Therefore it is subject to experimental confirmation, unlike most astrophysical theory today. So discoveries from space like this one should trigger experiments in plasma laboratories around the world instead of theorists wasting resources by conjuring up ever more complex and unlikely models based on invalid concepts of space plasma. IBEX's recent results that have taken researchers by surprise have given yet more strength to the EU model, a model that confidently predicts that the shape of the Sun’s galactic plasma environment is the hourglass, Z-pinch shape of planetary nebulae and supernovae, aligned with the local interstellar magnetic field. The beautiful symmetrical patterns that arise in plasma discharges from very simple principles renders all modeling that ignores the electrical nature of matter and the universe worthless."
- Wal Thornhill, Electric Sun Verified, 20 October 2009</blockquote>