

(In The Electric Universe) Open Source Infrastructure, beginning of the Enterprise Nervous System (ENS)

Posted by ProjectC 
(Project C, MDE - We aren't ambitious, we are just beginning)

Phase 2: 2022 - 2032

Eye Opener - To Heal in the Electric Universe (pdf page 22)

Phase 1: 2012 - 2022

Profound Builders Era - The Beginning of Abundance (pdf page 22)

Paradise needs maintenance

'Be Polite. Be Helpful.'

- LinuxChix (Django GirlsCaroline, Manisha, Agata (Organize), PyLadies, Rails Girls, Women Who Code, Outreach Program for Women, 'Open source development is social by its nature', 'Call to all open source communities: Emphasize inclusion', Make money and have fun in open source) - Girl Develop It (What Most Schools Don't Teach)

'..please join us and help us rewrite the history books for hardware development..'

- OpenCores.org

'Open Source Ecology .. creating distributive enterprise based on open source design of products and services..'

- Marcin (Context - Story)

'Publishers are desperate to maintain the huge profit margins they make for essentially packaging the same content in new wrappers year after year. If their quality is indeed as superior as they claim, they shouldn’t have any trouble competing with open educational resources.'

- Don’t Whine, Compete!, February 18, 2012 (iterating toward openness)

Open Source Infrastructure - Software, Hardware, Learning

*** Base


Debian.org (Pop!_OS, Q4OS, Point Linux, Xubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Peppermint, LXLE, Univention, MX Linux)

Mageia.org, OpenMandriva, Fedora, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux (Red Hat)

openSUSE.org (Suse)

FreeBSD (GhostBSD, NomadBSD, MidnightBSD, TrueNAS Core)

HP The Machine (The Machine + Optalysys, Optical computing)

*** Web server



*** Database

MariaDB 5 (or higher) - (Galera Cluster)


PostgreSQL 9 (or higher)

Apache Cassandra

CouchDB (guide)

mongoDB (book)

*** Apps



*** Interactive IDE

Light Table

*** Scripting



Python (Learn, Practical Programming for Total Beginners, Think - 'Python with Numpy and Scipy is more capable than Matlab .. Both Spyder and the iPy Notebook provide a very user-friendly environment for scientists.' - Hoekstra (pdf)*, Python is Now the Most Popular Introductory Teaching Language at Top U.S. Universities) (Beyond PEP 8)

Perl (Modern Perl)

*** Net (webed)

HTML5 or higher (A Detailed HTML Overview)

css 3 or higher

javascript (books)

Google Web Designer

OpenFL (Haxe)

Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia Video 1 (AV1) or higher (WebM: an open web media project))

*** Mobile Platform (5G or higher) '..IMT-2020 standard has already defined the top speed that 5G should aim to achieve] as 20Gbps..'


Android (Replicant, Android-IA, SHR)

Apache Cordova

*** Embedded

Yocto (GENIVI Alliance, Automotive Technology Platform)

Automotive Grade Linux (AGL)

*** Cloud


OpenStack (A beginners guide, TryStack.org (Learn OpenStack) - Bloomberg: "The Sky is the Limit")

OSv (OSv: The Open Source Cloud Operating System That is Not Linux, 2013, Think again, 2015)

Open Container Project (Podman, CoreOS, Rocket, Docker Platform (Rocket vs Docker)(Article, 2013), Vagrant, Flynn)


*** Administraton ('..the Enterprise.')

Salt (A Taste..)



*** Cluster

Apache Spark

Hadoop ('..Software Infrastructure')

Rocks - (A Small School’s Experience)

*** Language

Pascal (books, Why use Pascal) or Ada

C/C++ (Qt, Why learn C?)

Open Java (JavaRanch, books, Eclipse)

Mono C#* (GTK#, books)

Go (Cloud Development)

Smalltalk (Pharo)

*** Graphics

Vulkan (OpenGL next)


*** Virtual (Gaming) Environment

Unreal Engine (Github)

CRYENGINE (Lumberyard)

Open Source Godot

*** Green

The Green500 List :: Environmentally Responsible Supercomputing

Green Computing

Solar computing

*** Open Hardware ('..Open Hardware Entrepreneurship..' - Open-source hardware is gaining critical mass, '..Python .. to design hardware.')


Open Compute Project


Open Hardware Repository (Principles)

Open source Hardware project

Open-source hardware - Wikipedia

Open Hardware.org

Open Source Hardware User Group

'..open source hardware..'

Open Source 3D printers (Aleph Objects, LulzBot)

Design Things to 3D Print With Open Source Software (OpenSCAD)

OpenPOWER Foundation ('..From Zero to 80 in Its First Year')

*** Robotics

Open Source Robotics Foundation

ROS (Robot Operating System) (Ubuntu install of ROS Groovy)

ROS Industrial Wiki (ROS Industrial)

Rethink - Baxter


*** Privacy




*** (Carrier) Cloud Learning

NCLab (Wikipedia: NCLab)

UberStudent (Pennsylvania High School Rolls Out 1,700 Linux Laptops to Students)

Debian Edu / Edubuntu '..for schools .. a complete multi-user multi-machine study environment within hours..' (Hello Ruby, '..to get kids to love coding'.)

'The Miracle..' - Learning - MOOC - Free Introduction to Linux course

Vert.x ('..asynchronous application development..')

*** Cognitive computing - Intelligent personal assistant

(Open)Cyc (Lucid.ai)

Watson Cloud development platform (2021) Cognitive Cooking (2015)

Platform - HSA (Heterogeneous System Architecture) Foundation

'..Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure..' (Project Tango, AllSeen Alliance)

Lucida (formerly: Sirius (Meet Sirius, the open-source Siri..))

Context (Haptonomy - Affectivity) - Praxeology as the Method of the Social Sciences - (Affective) Phenomenology of the Social World - '..human personality .. cannot be satisfactorily explained by genetics, environmental influences, or a combination of these.'

(Bazaarmodel) - «esprit incarné» - '..It is impermissible to separate the "mental" or "spiritual" from the "material." '

(Haptonomy) - '..how affectivity shapes the human being in its being and essence throughout life.' - Dr. Catherine Dolto

(Open Source) '..the industry said was impossible: selling free software .. freedom and flexibility.'

(Project C - Phase 1) - '..a Workerless Society.' - Take the work out of work - '..the Art of Being Human'

(Electric Universe) Solar System - '..simple, application of the laboratory observations that have been made in electrical plasma laboratories for over 100 years.'

*** Overview Project C, page 10 (pdf) & page 17 (pdf)

* 'Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime.' - Mono. (more books, code, Red Hat .NET Apps.) (Open Source .NET Foundation - Data on Microsoft's First Week of Open Source .NET)

The Beginning of The Creator Unit

Linux Free Software Catalog and Packages Search

The Architecture of Open Source Applications, OWASP & OISF, SICP, Advance .. Logic, Computational Logic & Human Thinking (Prolog)

Open Networking Foundation (OpenFlow), The OpenDaylight project, (Core Infrastructure Initiative) (Open vSwitch) (Network functions virtualization) (OPNFV) (Gen-Z) (OpenCAPI)

(In the Electric Universe) DESERTEC - Asian Super Grid for Renewable Energies

'Germany's debt ratio will likely fall..' - '..emission-free electricity system..'

(Praxeology) - Savings - Economic Growth - 'We Need More Wealth, Not Necessarily More Employment' - Entrepreneurship

Todogroup - 'For companies committed to open source.'

(To Heal)(Reinventing Organizations) - '..news about what happening in the space of organizations going Teal.'

(The Electric Universe) - '..LPPFusion .. one of the leading companies in alternative fusion.' - Plans for 2015

(Space & Entrepreneurship Act of 2015)(Earth Shield - Earth Defence) -'..SpaceX Successfully Lands Rocket..' - '..robust human spaceflight missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond..' - Moon Express [Lunar Orbital Station 2018]

(Teal) - '..the old ways of social organization are proving to be increasingly ineffectual..'

(Holacracy Lite) - Blinkracy: lighter version of the Holacracy One’s system

Holacracy – ‘..to fully harness the power of every human sensor..’