<blockquote>'The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has approved a resolution condemning Russia’s “unilateral and unjustified assault on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Parliamentarians voted by a margin of 96 in favor to 7 against with 32 abstentions on the resolution on July 8.
The text calls on Russia to “stop the supply and flow" of heavy weaponry, ammunition, Russian army units, and mercenaries across the Russian border into eastern Ukraine, and cease providing any military, financial, or logistical aid to pro-Russian separatists.'
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Condemns Russia’s 'Assault' On Ukraine, July 8, 2015</blockquote>
<blockquote>'Who can say why and when Russia ceased to be part of Europe, or by what happenstance Western Europeans did not become Eurasians as Russians did? I'll tell you when it happened: the 13th century. It began with the Mongol invasion of ancient Rus, then Eastern Europe and, finally, Western Europe.'
- Pyotr Romanov,
Why Isn't Russia Part of Europe? (Op-Ed), July 2, 2015</blockquote>
'..the Kremlin "aims to erode the rules-based institutions.." '