

'.."Patriot Act" .. they sound just like the same kind of arguments used by the NKVD, and the Gestapo..'

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>' “Little by little, we’ve allowed our freedom to slip away,” Mr. Paul said during a lengthy floor soliloquy.'

- Source, June 1, 2015</blockquote>

'..arguments used by dictators and tyrants for all history..'

<blockquote>'Listening to the arguments for keeping the "Patriot Act" on the PBS News Hour tonight, they sound just like the same kind of arguments used by the NKVD, and the Gestapo, everyone needs watching to keep the American people safe. They are protecting us from subversives, terrorists, those who would threaten our society. The same arguments used by dictators and tyrants for all history. Just the term "Patriot Act" ("a person who loves and strongly supports or fights for his or her country") was coined to give the idea that anyone against it was not loyal to the country, and were a threat to the rest of the citizenry. It is also used to demean anyone who criticizes the government for actions such as going to war, to "protect Americans." There is nothing patriotic about the act, it is an act of repression, it is a scare tactic, made by people who have a strong desire to stay in power and make others behave withing their ideological framework. It is a means to keep watch on all of us, not just the miscreants. We got by for 239 years without it, we don't need it now.'

- David Underwood, Citrus Heights (The Patriot Act May Be Dead For Good, <a href="[yro.slashdot.org];, May 30, 2015)</blockquote>


<blockquote>Legislators move against mass surveillance - Surveillance State Repeal Act - 'Never let them intimidate you. Never..'

(Spanish, English, Chinese) - The Values: 'You only have to read one book, "The History of Spain" by Father Juan de Mariana.' - Thomas Jefferson

(Haptopraxeology) - '..We have lost three centuries as a result of ignoring our scholars!'</blockquote>