'In what may be an incredible instance of myths anticipating the latest scientific discoveries, and cutting-edge scientific developments illuminating legends of antiquity, important advances in astronomy are revealing the primacy and centrality of electrical forces in the Universe. Pioneers in the fields of plasma physics and the Electric Universe have made revolutionary discoveries using the most up-to-date instrumentation and measurements from the sky, demonstrating that it is electric currents which are responsible for powering the sun, ordering the solar system, and forming the slowly turning pinwheel galaxies.'<blockquote>'The concept of global extinctions, like much of Cuvier’s contributions to the discipline of paleontology, proved to be foundational, since without extinctions fossils cannot be used to construct a geological column and a directional history. Although Cuvier was later largely marginalized for his catastrophism and disagreement with Darwinism, Stephen Jay Gould remarks, “As for Cuvier’s catastrophism in geology, Lyell may have banished such a view to temporary periphery of derision, but it has come back in spades through such exciting (and probably correct) ideas as the extraterrestrial impact theory of mass extinction.” These Native American legends which Cuvier was careful to take into account, as well as other worldwide myths, bear a consistent witness to lightning and thunderbolts, as well as other electrical phenomena in their interpretation of fossils.
In what may be an incredible instance of myths anticipating the latest scientific discoveries, and cutting-edge scientific developments illuminating legends of antiquity, important advances in astronomy are revealing the primacy and centrality of electrical forces in the Universe. Pioneers in the fields of plasma physics and the Electric Universe have made revolutionary discoveries using the most up-to-date instrumentation and measurements from the sky, demonstrating that it is electric currents which are responsible for powering the sun, ordering the solar system, and forming the slowly turning pinwheel galaxies.
Most important to our discussion of geology, the surprising and unexpected features found on the surfaces of all of the rocky moons and planets within our solar system are explained by electrical processes such as electrical discharge machining, electrostatic painting, Lichtenburg scarring, and other large scale electrical arc excavation and deposition processes. These processes are not only familiar to plasma physicists such as C.J. Ransom, in an Electric Universe they also provide a possible new direction of inquiry for our understanding of earth’s major topological features.
The slow and steady uniformitarian principles need not constrain our study of the paleontological record to just a few tools of volcanic activity, wind erosion, water deposition, and the occasional asteroid impact. So in light of the most recent scientific and technological discoveries, and in the grand tradition of paleontology’s founder Georges Cuvier, who invited native legends and myths to inform our understanding of earth history, we can begin to ask whether there is much we do not know about the extinction and fossilization of the mega fauna and dinosaurs.
One possibility is that fossilization is in fact instantaneous. Under conditions of powerful electrical discharge one element (such as carbon) might be transmuted into another (such as silicon). Low temperature electrical transmutation has been observed in the lab, though it has been kept fairly quiet and out of public view. As for the stratigraphic layers in which fossils are found, might it be possible that these were laid down more quickly, in a kind of electrical sputtering effect used in modern nanotechnology applications?'
- Paulina West,
Electric Fossils and Thundercrabs, October 6, 2013</blockquote>
Context (US, Iran) - Fusion For Peace<blockquote>
(Earth Defence - Earth Shield) - NASA Solar Shield '..the whole globe.'(To Heal) The Electric Universe - '..unless we understand our past..'(The Electric Universe) - '..weather systems .. an electric “wind” surrounds and often precedes an electric arc.'(Earth Defence - Earth Shield) - Faraday - Tesla - 'The Accelerating Winds of Venus.' (Electric Universe - Solar Climate Change)(Open Source Space Mining) - '..to build the first robotic asteroid miners.''..a synchrotron particle collider .. Jordan .. the Middle East, including Iran, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel.'</blockquote>