( Source ) <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> Video of the Day For thosby ProjectC - Project C
"All this occurred against the background of what has come to be called Peak Oil, the turnaround point in global oil production, and indeed the all-time high-point of world oil consumption, which can be dated precisely now (in the rearview mirror) as having topped absolutely in July of 2006 -- the exact moment, incidentally, that a gigantic pin first pierced the outermost molecules of the soby ProjectC - Project C
"...So that was really what we were all dealing with from the very beginning: the possibility of creating not just a reconstruction of Europe, but of advancing a structure that might bring peace to the world as a whole." 'This Process Will Go On' An EU visionary discusses the future of a united Europe —and whether it can be a counterweight to U.S. power WEB EXCLUSIVby ProjectC - Project C
Florida Housing 1920s Redux: History repeating in Florida and Lessons from the Roaring 20s By Dr. Housing Bubble September 06, 2007 Source "...today we are going to examine a few paragraphs from an amazing book by Frederick Lewis Allen called Only Yesterday written in 1931 which examines the decade of the 1920s in great detail." There was nothing languorous about the atmospby ProjectC - Project C
By Henry C K Liu (This article appeared in AToL on April 3, 2002) Source Note: This article was written more than five years before the credit market crisis of August 2007 and four months after Enron filed for bankruptcy protection on December 2, 2001. The analysis has survived the test of time. Greenspan bought time by unleashing the housing bubble. Today, the problem is essentially the sby ProjectC - Project C
By AdamWill (604569) September 05, 2007 Source For all those who haven't tried Mandriva in a while, quite a lot has changed. It'd be great if you could try Mandriva again before posting comments. For instance, managing remote repositories is far easier than it used to be: you can configure a full set of official repositories from within the Mandriva package management tools. Instrby ProjectC - Project C
"This is thus the first real crisis of the new world of financial globalization and securitization." The Coming U.S. Hard Landing By Nouriel Roubini Sep 07, 2007 Source The utterly ugly employment figures for August (a fall in jobs for the first time in four years, downward revisions to previous months’ data, a fall in the labor participation rate, and an even weaker employby ProjectC - Project C
One (out of twenty) global issues: • Global financial architecture *** Calls Grow for Foreigners to Have a Say on U.S. Market Rules By HEATHER TIMMONS and KATRIN BENNHOLD August 29, 2007 Source Politicians, regulators and financial specialists outside the United States are seeking a role in the oversight of American markets, banks and rating agencies after recent problems relby ProjectC - Project C
By India Knight September 2, 2007 Source I was delighted the first time I met an adult who knew what I was talking about when I mentioned my youngest child’s condition, DiGeorge syndrome. “Oh yes,” she said. “My sister has that.” I was brimming with questions, given that my daughter was a tiny baby and my friend’s sister a middle-aged adult. She didn’t have many answers, it turned out, beby ProjectC - Project C
By Wilfred Hahn 08/29/2007 (01:22 PM) Source It doesn't seem just: The patriarch of the current "anti-bubble" camp," Dr. Kurt Richebächer, has died at age 88. He did not live to see his long-running warnings come to be vindicated. Just as he fell ill, events began to cascade into the vicious credit crash that erupted this past August. Kurt Richebächer was well known arby ProjectC - Project C
- Flash Presentation: Eee PC - (Linux) ASUS Eee PC Hand's On Preview - Via aims 1W x86 CPU at mobile, embedded apps - The Asus EcoBook bamboo laptop - Where Jobless Run Factories - Here's the chocolate factory, but where has Willy Wonka gone? *** Becoming a Linux OEM: A Roadmap By Matt Hartley August 27, 2007 Source For years, Microsoft has reigned supreme as theby ProjectC - Project C
3 Reasons Why This Credit Bubble is worse than 1929. Precursors to a Recession: Complicit Fed, Population Involved, and Greater Dependence on Credit By Dr. Housing Bubble August 23, 2007 Source The market seems to have taken well to the liquidity injection by the Federal Reserve. Since the past two weeks of subprime debacles and stock market woes, the market is slowly gaining a foothold.by ProjectC - Project C
Will Speed Data Transmission by Combining Laser Light with Silicon A Critical Step Toward Achieving Lower Cost, Lower Power, More Compact Devices University of California - Santa Barbara, College of Engineering August 21, 2007 Source Santa Barbara, Calif. – August 21, 2007 – Researchers at UC Santa Barbara have announced they have built the world's first mode-locked silicon evanesby ProjectC - Project C
By SPACE.com Staff 14 August 2007 Source Following the successful launch and deployment of two inflatable space modules, on Monday the owner and founder of Bigelow Aerospace announced plans to move ahead with the launch of its first human habitable spacecraft, the Sundancer. "As anyone associated with the aerospace industry is aware, global launch costs have been rising rapidly overby ProjectC - Project C
"All of these simple principles wind up with a very attractive house that is as normal and livable as any other, but without insulation or air conditioning or heating. The typical energy bill might be as low as $30 a month, depending on where you live. The outside temperature can be 50 degrees hotter or colder than the inside temperature of 71 degrees." Wozniak's New Goal is Eby ProjectC - Project C
"Isn’t it about time that we began thoughtfully to examine some of the fundamentals of our banking and investment theories and methods? -- Former bank president in New York, November, 1932 An article from a former bank president in New York - November, 1932 By Dr. Housing Bubble August 16, 2007 Source ...I’ll be posting an article that came out in the Saturday Evening Post in Nby ProjectC - Project C
"...a letter written from a lawyer from Mason City, Iowa in the Corn Belt recounting the impact of the Great Depression on his town. It is a poignant and somewhat eerie story to read considering the date of writing is 1933." -- Dr. Housing Bubble, Personal Story by a Lawyer from a Previous Asset Bubble, August 02, 2007 "...Below are paragraphs of the entire letter:" Theby ProjectC - Project C
Concerning Overview Project C version 5.51 - Page 9 Added note 4 Our Galactic Environment - http://astro.uchicago.edu/~frisch/ - Page 11 Corrected note 4: ..."Within as well as around us." - Page 22 Note 1, removed the old url (http://www.rischard.net) and replaced it with two new urls: High Noon and 2007 Conferenceby ProjectC - Project C
By prof. dr. Edsger W. Dijkstra Austin, 19 November 2000 Source EWD1304 - 0 The end of Computing Science? "The price of reliability is the pursuit of the utmost simplicity. It is a price which the very rich find most hard to pay." Sir Antony Hoare, 1980 In academia, in industry, and in the commercial world, there is a widespread belief that computing science aby ProjectC - Project C
Jean-François Rischard has closed his website (which was ) so I have replaced the High Noon url with Conference 2007, a Global Issues Conference. J.by ProjectC - Project C
Well dear reader. I have spend an awful amount of time in digging through the world of finance. And what a spectacle it was. And still is! It has been such a tremendous experience that I truly need to address economics and finance in a more thoroughly way in the first chapters of the English Bazaarmodel book. Because... my oh my. Just read my thought Ludicrous (finance). If you thought that Aby ProjectC - Project C
There was something bugging me. Translating from Dutch to English, while the book is four years old already and many things happened since. Mmm (musing now...) It must be more timeless. Companies come and go. But the essence of the Bazaarmodel remain important. So I believe that I have decided stop maintaining the Dutch version. And focus completely on the English one instead. Which will be expby ProjectC - Project C
**Draft Version** 2 The history of the bazaar and cathedral management "The centralised mindset is deeply entrenched. When people see patterns and structures, they instinctively assume centralised causes or centralised control. They often see leaders and seeds where none exist. When something happens, they assume that one individual agent must be responsible." -- Mitchel Resnby ProjectC - Project C
"Omstreeks 1910 bestelde China twee locomotieven bij Duitsland. Duitsland wreef zich al in de handen om zo’n grote markt, maar tot hun verbazing kregen zij geen vervolg orders. Nieuwsgierig stuurde zij een paar diplomaten naar China om te vragen of ze niet meer locomotieven nodig hadden. De Duitse diplomaten arriveerden in China en hun mond viel open van verbazing toen er niet twee maar tiby ProjectC - Project C
"It does look like the sun has been more active in the last 50 years than it has been for a long time. One estimate is that there has not been this long a time period of high activity in something like 8,000 years." - Dr. David Hathaway, NASA (remark made in 2005) The Ulysses Mission SOHOby ProjectC - Project C
**Draft Version** 1 Introductory chapter “Laws are a necessity. Laws are made by the strongest, and they must and shall be obeyed.” -- Brooks Adams. Bazaar management and bazaar organization isn’t something new. It is as old as the road to Rome. Knowledge has always been gratis. It is in recent years that knowledge must me some kind of material product ‘protected’ by copyright and pby ProjectC - Project C
**The World Technology Network (WTN) X PRIZE Suggestion** --Suggested Name of Challenge (i.e. WTN X PRIZE for ****)-- WTN X Prize for 'The Creator Unit (TCU)' or: 'building a replicator' style of name. --Brief Description of Suggested Challenge (No more than 600 words please)-- The Challenge is to build a working prototype of a machine capable of building materby ProjectC - Project C
**DRAFT VERSION*** (some minor updates -- August 3, 2005) Draft Summary "The word 'radical' derives from the Latin word for root. Therefore, if you want to get to the root of anything you must be radical… and no one in politics dares even to use the word favourably, much less track any problem to its root.” -- G. Irvin. This book gyrates around bazaar management and baby ProjectC - Project C
New machines could turn homes into small factories Dr Bowyer appeared on Design on Nature on BBC Radio 4 on Wednesday March 17 http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/radio4_aod.shtml?radio4/designs_nature]Listen to this>> Source A revolutionary machine which can make everything from a cup to a clarinet quickly and cheaply could be in all our homes in the next few years. Research by engineersby ProjectC - Project C