

'..to move heavy industry away from Earth to save the planet.'

Posted by archive 
'..You shouldn't be doing heavy industry on Earth. Resources are more plentiful in space. We can build gigantic chip factories in space, and then just send the little bits down. We don't actually need to build them here.'

'..we'll need to move heavy industry away from Earth to save the planet.


If you take baseline global energy utilization today and grow it by just 3% a year, the power of compounding is so extraordinary that within just a few hundred years you will have to cover the whole landmass of Earth with solar cells — just 3% compounding, just a few hundred years. So, what are you going to do? I think that over the next few hundred years we need to move our heavy industry off-planet. Our Earth will be zoned residential and light industrial. And that just makes a lot of sense! You shouldn't be doing heavy industry on Earth. Resources are more plentiful in space. We can build gigantic chip factories in space, and then just send the little bits down. We don't actually need to build them here.'

- Jeff Bezos thinks that to save the planet we'll need to move all heavy industry to space, June 1, 2016


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