

'..Russia’s Armed Forces, After Putin'

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'Given an increase in quality, the Russian Armed Forces could be reduced to 350,000-375,000 staff. This can be achieved by eliminating units that lack a sufficient number of qualified troops and equipment, excess forces, and branches of the Armed Forces which duplicate their functions.'

<blockquote>'The Real Threats

After Russia experiences a change in the ruling regime and undergoes a process of democratization, its Armed Forces should protect Russian society from the following threats:

- Countries that rely on radical ideologies and authoritarian practices for their existence, and that develop nuclear weapons and missiles.

- Authoritarian regimes close to Russia’s borders. Over time, such regimes often spark domestic and international conflicts and humanitarian disasters with their consequent outflow of refugees. This also threatens the long-term prospects of Russian companies operating on their territory.

- International movements that engage in armed struggle against human rights and civil liberties and market economies — groups such as Islamic State (a terrorist organization banned in Russia), the Taliban, Hezbollah, etc. as well as states that support these movements.

- The proliferation of technologies used for military missiles and weapons of mass destruction as their production and export become cheaper and easier.

- Threats to the free movement of international trade and marine navigation resulting from territorial disputes and potential conflicts in East and Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa. The instability and conflicts upsetting the current system of international trade could complicate Russia’s ability to achieve stable economic recovery and development after its democratization.


A democratic Russia should forever abandon confrontation with the West and rule out any possibility of military confrontation with NATO. That means Russia should also abandon the idea that its army should spend enormous amounts of taxpayers’ money to prepare for such a clash.

Only cooperation with the West will contribute to the well-being and security of Russia’s citizens.

A New Armed Forces

Given an increase in quality, the Russian Armed Forces could be reduced to 350,000-375,000 staff. This can be achieved by eliminating units that lack a sufficient number of qualified troops and equipment, excess forces, and branches of the Armed Forces which duplicate their functions.'

- Pavel Luzin, The Future of Russia’s Armed Forces, After Putin, August 18, 2017</blockquote>


<blockquote>'I have said it so often: if the West does not stabilize the East, the East will destabilize the West.' - Václav Havel

'..the Russian parliamentary elections, which breach the international law, call into question the legitimacy of the elected State Duma..'

'..Ukraine, she says, "is looking toward the future." ..'</blockquote>