

'..My wish that in 2018 Russia will learn what the British, the Austrians, and the Turks Learned in 1918.'

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'..My wish that in 2018 Russia will learn what the British, the Austrians, and the Turks Learned in 1918. That there is, indeed, life after empire -- and that life could be pretty good. For both you and for your neighbors.'

'But ask yourself this, whose citizens got the better end of the deal over the past century? The British, the Austrians, and the Turks who lost their empires? Or the Russians, who kept theirs? .. A century ago Russia lagged behind major world powers in industrial might and its economy was considered on a par with Brazil and Mexico. It's pretty much the same today with a Russian GDP lower than the U.S. state of New York .. and that's to say nothing to the effect the Russian empire had on the Ukrainians or the Georgians. ..My wish that in 2018 Russia will learn what the British, the Austrians, and the Turks Learned in 1918. That there is, indeed, life after empire -- and that life could be pretty good. For both you and for your neighbors.

Happy Holidays everybody, See you next year!'

- Brian Whitmore, The Holiday Vertical: Lessons From 1918, December 29, 2017


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