

(Stagflation) - Dutch inflation climbed to 7.6 percent in January

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'Inflation in the Netherlands climbed sharply in January to 7.6 percent compared to the same month last year. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reported this figure based on the European harmonized method. According to that method, the currency depreciation in December was 6.4 percent. CBS presented the figure in anticipation of the eurozone inflation announcement by the European stats office Eurostat.'

- Dutch inflation climbed to 7.6 percent in January, February 2, 2022


(Stagflation) - '..picked up to 5.1% .. [Price] Inflation is now more than twice the ECB's 2% target.'

'U.S. inflation is currently 6.8%, the highest rate in the developed world .. Almost universally, rates have been kept lower than the Taylor Rule had suggested..'

'..the theorem of the economic impossibility of socialism .. is fully applicable to central banks..' - Jesús Huerta de Soto