

'The emphasis on humanitarian assistance .. help overstretched hospitals .. offset disruptions in food supplies..'

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'And if the war has to be owned by Libyans themselves, so – perhaps even more – does the peace .. Any boots on the ground should be Libyan.'

<blockquote>'And if the war has to be owned by Libyans themselves, so – perhaps even more – does the peace. The very idea that there should be British troops on the ground, even as part of a broader stabilisation operation, should raise concern all over again about the wisdom of involvement in other people's conflicts. As was seen not only in Iraq, but in Afghanistan, the combatants in civil wars quickly shift their focus to foreign forces, unless they are there as strictly neutral peace-keepers under an international flag. With their chequered colonial history in the region, both Britain and France need to be wary of any involvement on the ground that holds the risk of their troops becoming bogged down.

Commendably, Mr Hague has not rushed to claim victory on behalf of Libya's opposition, accepting that the conflict could still go on for some time. International moves to unfreeze Libya's assets abroad are a useful first step, in terms both of practical support and conveying goodwill. The emphasis on humanitarian assistance, to help overstretched hospitals and offset disruptions in food supplies, also makes sense, as do plans for a Tripoli security committee bringing together different, Libyan, military groups.

As the need for intervention from the air recedes, as we hope it soon will, British involvement should be limited to disinterested aid and arm's length encouragement. Any boots on the ground should be Libyan.'

- Robert Fisk, Even now, mission creep is a danger that must be resisted, 25 August 2011</blockquote>

'We proceed from the position that work in the post-conflict development of Libya must be carried out exclusively under the aegis of the U.N. Security Council.'

<blockquote>'Russia’s Foreign Ministry said the UN should play the central role in rebuilding Libya following violence that has continued since rebels drove Muammer Gaddafi from Tripoli. ”We proceed from the position that work in the post-conflict development of Libya must be carried out exclusively under the aegis of the U.N. Security Council,” said spokesman Alexander Lukashevich.'

- Russia says UN must play top role in postwar Libya, Aug 25, 2011</blockquote>