

(Revive the global trade talks - Energy mix) - '..U.S. calls for freer markets for “clean fuels” around the world..'

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'The elimination of the U.S. tariff against imported ethanol provides an important precedent that could be utilized by the WTO to revive the global trade talks.'

<blockquote>'..Second, it will add credibility to U.S. calls for freer markets for “clean fuels” around the world. It was notable that while the U.S. import tariff was still in force, a group of eight American government agencies issued a document calling for such free markets .. The elimination of the U.S. tariff against imported ethanol provides an important precedent that could be utilized by the WTO to revive the global trade talks.

Tropical countries everywhere (including India and Africa, and not just Brazil) enjoy a strong comparative advantage in producing sustainable ethanol — particularly if those advantages are enhanced through the country’s own development efforts (utilizing the same techniques for growing a biofuels industry as were pioneered in Brazil).

This point is linked to the impact that a global shift to sustainable biofuels produced from fast-growing crops like sugarcane in tropical countries could have. Certifiably sustainable biofuels like Brazilian sugarcane ethanol, if exported and consumed by motorists around the world, will have a substantial impact on greenhouse gas emissions.

Sugarcane ethanol, with its large energy gain of about nine to one, is closest to a “carbon-neutral” fuel in that as the fuel is burnt, it releases carbon dioxide which is then recaptured by plants in the next growing season. As tropical countries increase their utilization of ethanol domestically, as well as grow their industries through exports, they could convert the world’s transport fleet from being a major greenhouse gas emissions problem to a major source of a solution.'

- John Mathews, The End of the U.S. Ethanol Tariff, January 06, 2012</blockquote>

Context 'Phase 1: 2012 – 2022 (Profound Builders Era – The beginning of Abundance)' - page 22 - Project C

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