

'..closer military ties between China and the US..' - '..a new breed of nonlethal .. weapon systems.'

Posted by archive 
<blockquote>'Putin .. cannot afford to have a confrontation with Berlin and Paris shortly after entering office.

In mid-May, Putin didn't travel to Camp David to attend the G-8 summit of the world's most important industrialized countries. A few days later, he was conspicuously absent from the NATO summit in Chicago. If Putin now ruffles feathers in Paris and Berlin, Rahr says, "it would be a disastrous beginning to his presidency." '

- '..Challenge Russia over Syria', May 31, 2012</blockquote>

'..closer military ties between China and the US - especially .. outer space.'

<blockquote>'He stressed the need for closer military ties between China and the US - especially for understanding in the difficult areas of cybersecurity and outer space.'

- Leon Panetta: US to deploy 60% of navy fleet to Pacific, 2 June 2012</blockquote>


<blockquote>(Space) '..a new era in exploration..'

'Norway .. Europe's Battery' ('..within the framework of the Desertec Concept..')

'..begin the process of referring Assad to the International Criminal Court..'

'..a new breed of nonlethal .. weapon systems.'