

‘Is Russia supporting an al-Qaida ally?'

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<blockquote>‘Is Russia supporting an al-Qaida ally? If this is so..’</blockquote>

'..forbidding the murder of civilians and internecine fighting..'

<blockquote>'..they ignore any aspect of religious scripture which might be interpreted as forbidding the murder of civilians and internecine fighting.'

- Wikipedia, al-Qaida</blockquote>


<blockquote>'Damascus of cooperating closely with al Qaeda militants, ever since the U.S. invasion of neighboring Iraq in 2003.'

(Syria) '..to join the people and leave this corrupt regime..' - Nawaf al-Fares

'..Russia and China will pay a price. Because they are holding up progress, blockading it. That is no longer tolerable.'

- Clinton (Context, July 6, 2012)

'..removing military forces from Afghanistan and Iraq puts the U.S. in a better position .. better strategies for employing America's scarce resources..'

<blockquote>'Drawing lessons from the Cold War, Katz makes the case that rather than signaling the decline of American power and influence, removing military forces from Afghanistan and Iraq puts the U.S. in a better position to counter the forces of radical Islam and ultimately win the war on terror. He explains that since both wars will likely remain intractable, for Washington to remain heavily involved in either is counter-productive. Katz argues that looking to its Cold War experience would help the U.S. find better strategies for employing America's scarce resources to deal with its adversaries now. This means that, although leaving Afghanistan and Iraq may well appear to be a victory for America's opponents in the short term—as was the case when the U.S. withdrew from Indochina—the larger battle with militant Islam can be won only by refocusing foreign and military policy away from these two quagmires.'

- The War on Terror after Iraq and Afghanistan, 2012</blockquote>


'..how we can put growth in ASEAN on a much more sustainable trajectory.'

'..closer military ties between China and the US..' - '..a new breed of nonlethal .. weapon systems.'</blockquote>