

'..massive subsidies propping up the fossil fuel industry..'

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<blockquote>'Renewable energies right now are suffering from a dual problem: Governments around the world are slashing aid for clean energy, and massive subsidies propping up the fossil fuel industry are making it impossible to compete with the cheaper energy.

The current global total in fossil fuel subsidies for 2011, according to Birol, was $523 billion. The result was an incentive equivalent to $110 per ton of carbon emitted. In comparison, global subsidies for renewables amounted to what seems like a paltry $88 billion in the same year.

"If we had an ideal world -- with no subsidies for nuclear, gas or coal -- in that world, onshore wind would do extremely well," Christian Kjaer, CEO of the European Wind Energy Association, told SPIEGEL ONLINE.'

- A Mere Breeze: Era of Fast Growth Ends for Wind Energy in Europe, February 08, 2013</blockquote>


<blockquote>Clean technology

First Step on the Road to an Asian Super Grid - '..interlinking national electricity grids from Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia and Russia..'

(In The Electric Universe) - Germany breaks renewable energy barrier - Twenty-five percent .. comes from renewable energy.</blockquote>