

Nuclear Arms Reduction Deals to Become Multilateral - Lavrov

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<blockquote>'..we first outlaw nuclear weapons to start off with, then we outlaw nuclear reactors, too.'

- Admiral Hyman Rickover (Context: The nuclear retreat - '..the global transition to sustainable 100 percent renewable energy.' - '..in Europe by 2050.')</blockquote>

<blockquote>'MOSCOW, June 22 (RIA Novosti) – Any upcoming treaties on nuclear arms reductions will have to involve all countries that have atomic weapons at their disposal, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Saturday.'

- Nuclear Arms Reduction Deals to Become Multilateral – Lavrov</blockquote>

Context MasterPeace (peace building) - 'Big changes start with small things'

<blockquote>(Earth Defence - Earth Shield) - NASA Solar Shield '..the whole globe.'

(Earth Defence - Earth Shield) - '..closer military-to-military cooperation..' (Asia - NATO)

(Earth Defence - Earth Shield) - China joins RIMPAC 2014 - (Rim of the Pacific Exercise - NEOShield to assess Earth defence)</blockquote>