

'..the U.S. ultimately defeated the U.S.S.R. by bankrupting it.'

Posted by archive 
'..Washington .. defense spending .. bankrupting the country..'

<blockquote>'There are questions over whether Washington can afford to substantially increase defense spending without bankrupting the country..


Both Russia and China have closely studied the end of the Cold War and how the U.S. ultimately defeated the U.S.S.R. by bankrupting it. Two decades later, it looks like Moscow and Beijing are trying to return the favor.'

- J. Michael Cole, Can a China-Russia Axis Bankrupt the US? December 20, 2013</blockquote>


<blockquote>United States of America is Bankrupt

(Global) - '..conditions are eerily similar to the Weimar Republic..' - '..made the Second World War possible, though not inevitable..'

'..cultural decline .. state control, political centralization, welfare, and inflation..'

'..Our central bank has clearly learned nothing from earlier crises..'

'Sweden’s success in riding out the present financial crisis.'

'..we should find a new way of understanding what happened between 1914 and 1918.'</blockquote>