

'..The message was that shale will come and go..'

Posted by archive 
'..The message was that shale will come and go - with US tight gas peaking by 2017 - creating a false sense of security as the deeper strategic threat continues to build..'

<blockquote>'America is on track to overtake Saudi Arabia as the top global producer of oil by 2016. It will account for more than half of non-OPEC world supply this year. The US Energy Department says US oil imports will drop to 5.5m b/d by next year, half the level a decade ago. This turns the world's 89m b/d market upside-down.


It is hazardous to make any assumptions about Mid-East politics, not least with the Shia-Sunni conflict spreading from Iraq and Syria to threaten the whole region in what looks disturbingly like the onset of the Catholic-Lutheran showdown in Europe's Thirty Years War - a blood-letting that ended only with mutual exhaustion and bankruptcy at the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648.


I recently attended a Transatlantic Dialogue on Energy Security with senior military officers in London and Washington. The message was that shale will come and go - with US tight gas peaking by 2017 - creating a false sense of security as the deeper strategic threat continues to build. That is broadly my view as well. Much drama can intrude along the way.'

- Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (Source, January 15, 2014)</blockquote>


<blockquote>(Global) - Dii - Electric '..Super Grid.'

(The Electric Universe) - Focus Fusion update</blockquote>