

(Ukraine) - '..Russian-led forces already have been fighting to capture the Donetsk ­airport..'

Posted by archive 
'..as if lexicological make-believe will somehow erase the thousands of Russian troops stationed inside Ukraine..'

<blockquote>'..In violation of the cease-fire, Russian-led forces already have been fighting to capture the Donetsk ­airport .. The Kremlin has shrugged off Western sanctions while compensating Mr. Putin’s cronies for their losses .. Ukraine’s increasingly desperate requests for military assistance, including defensive weapons, that might deter a new Russian offensive.

On Monday Vice President Biden went out of his way to correct himself after saying that Russia had “invaded” Ukraine; the White House still bans that term, as if lexicological make-believe will somehow erase the thousands of Russian troops stationed inside Ukraine. More worrying is the administration’s make-believe about its policy, which officials actually seem to believe has been a success..'

- Mr. Putin resumes his chipping away at Ukraine, November 3, 2014</blockquote>


<blockquote>'..Ukraine and the West must understand what Putin is doing and call it by its rightful names: invasion, Anschluss, provocation, intimidation, and panic-sowing..'</blockquote>