

'When companies go bankrupt, a debt-equity swap is a fair and efficient solution.' - - 'Corruption..' - '..restructure..' - '..go bankrupt, reorganize.'

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'..The analogous approach for Greece is to convert its current bonds into GDP-linked bonds..'

<blockquote>'When companies go bankrupt, a debt-equity swap is a fair and efficient solution. The analogous approach for Greece is to convert its current bonds into GDP-linked bonds. If Greece does well, its creditors will receive more of their money; if it does not, they will get less. Both sides would then have a powerful incentive to pursue pro-growth policies.'

- '..we need a global debt restructuring framework', February 4, 2015</blockquote>

Context (During the reorganization) - Trade: Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Italy

<blockquote>'..Greece .. commitments to stronger public finances, debt repayment and reforms..' - 'Corruption..' - '..restructure..'

'..solar electricity from Greece..'

'Debt was the economic terror of the world..' - '..go bankrupt, reorganize.'

The Ethics of Money Production - '..the care of souls.' - 'The point is to return to a universal respect for property rights.'

Banking Reform</blockquote>