

'..a temple of tolerance, a public space where Iraqis - especially young Iraqis - can relax and feel free..'

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<blockquote>'I realise also that I'm witnessing something quite profound. This is more than just a shopping mall. It is a temple of tolerance, a public space where Iraqis - especially young Iraqis - can relax and feel free, a riposte to the joyless zealots who would control every aspect of their lives. "It makes us feel part of the wider world," one woman tells me.

I suggest to my Iraqi friend that, ultimately, this symbol of western consumerism could pose a much greater threat to Basra's religious reactionaries than the British military ever did. He thinks for a moment, then concurs. "This is the wave of the future," he says. "It can't be resisted." '

- BBC, Times Square - but not as you know it, June 16, 2016</blockquote>


<blockquote>Subjectivism ... At higher levels - 'Alwash isn't afraid of dreaming...'</blockquote>