

'..the battle of ideas taking place in the Muslim world..'

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<blockquote>'..Morocco appears to be transitioning into the role of an intellectual model that is both willing and able to take a stand against Salafism and jihadism. In the words of one Moroccan religious official, the kingdom today "sees itself as a natural leader" in the battle of ideas taking place in the Muslim world, on account of its religious credibility and its tolerant teachings.

For the United States, this should come as welcome news. Washington, deeply invested in countering violent extremism in its various forms, would do well to take note of Morocco's soft-power innovations. It would do even better to leverage them in the global fight against Islamic radicalism.'

- Ilan Berman, Morocco's Islamic Exports, May 13, 2016</blockquote>


<blockquote>'..to rethink and to rebuild a culture where there are open channels between feeling and understanding..'

'Tunisia provides an alternative.'

'..direct negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia..'

'It’s hard to overstate how hamstrung the Islamic State will be by its radicalism .. As it stagnates or slowly shrinks..'</blockquote>