

'The Earth is on the verge of a mass extinction event.'

Posted by archive 
'..life on our planet -- and that is the only known life ... in the entire universe..'

<blockquote>'The Earth is on the verge of a mass extinction event.

To understand how big of a deal that is you don't have to look much further than the definition of "mass extinction." It means that three-quarters of all species vanish -- forever.

In all of history, that's happened only five times.

The sixth extinction would be the first caused by humans.

"We are basically annihilating the life on our planet -- and that is the only known life ... in the entire universe," said Paul Ehrlich, Bing professor of population studies at Stanford University.'

- John D. Sutter, How to stop the sixth mass extinction, December 12, 2016</blockquote>


<blockquote>The extinction crisis

'..Earth is warming more rapidly than previously thought was correct..'</blockquote>