

'..Israeli Arabs .. to seek a different kind of peace with Israel’s ruling party.'

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'So it seems sensible for Israeli Arabs, too, to seek a different kind of peace with Israel’s ruling party. It is for now a tentative step, but Mansour Abbas specifically declined to rule out being part of an Israeli coalition. That means that he wants in, and the time will likely come, sooner or later.

As the Joe Biden administration begins to plan its strategy for the Middle East, some American Jewish groups – in yet another split with Israel on foreign policy issues – are hoping that Biden will undo some of Trump’s norm-smashing Middle East policy, even the changes that were intended to benefit Israel.

But Mansour Abbas gives us reason to wonder if that would be wise. The greatest hope for the Palestinian people lies not in the U.S. giving a lifeline to their longstanding but failed strategy, but in the Palestinians’ finally recognizing the inevitability of the Israel state and negotiating with it for the betterment of their own future – precisely as it seems Israel’s Arabs are now beginning to do.'

- A New Strategy for Israel’s Arabs: Aiding Netanyahu, December 2, 2020


(Peace) - '..Sadly, my generation had to relearn the lessons of Vietnam in Iraq and Afghanistan .. to do everything in our power to avoid more wars..'