

The U.S. Antigravity Squadron (Abstract only)

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Because of copyright infringed, the complete article 'The U.S. Antigravity Squadron' has been removed. Only the abstract remains. Paul LaViolette emailed me an approved expert which is below the first abstract :)

Please visit the urls below for more details about Antigravity as well as ordering works from Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D.


Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology

See for more details: [www.etheric.com]

The U.S. Antigravity Squadron - Abstract -

by Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D.


Electrogravitic (antigravity) technology, under development in U.S.
Air Force black R&D programs since late 1954, may now have been put
to practical use in the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber to provide an
exotic auxiliary mode of propulsion. This inference is based on the
recent disclosure that the B-2 charges both its wing leading edge and
jet exhaust stream to a high voltage. Positive ions emitted from its
wing leading edge would produce a positively charged parabolic ion
sheath ahead of the craft while negative ions injected into it's
exhaust stream would set up a trailing negative space charge with a
potential difference in excess of 15 million volts. According to
electrogravitic research carried out by physicist T. Townsend Brown,
such a differential space charge would set up an artificial gravity
field that would induce a reactionless force on the aircraft in the
direction of the positive pole. An electrogravitic drive of this
sort could allow the B-2 to function with over-unity propulsion
efficiency when cruising at supersonic velocities.

Ordering Electrogravitics and other materials.

As received from Paul LaViolette on 15 Dec, 2005:


An excerpt from a paper by Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D. entitled "The U.S.
Antigravity Squadron" has been reprinted below with permission of the author.
Earlier someone had mistakenly posted the entire paper perhaps not realizing that
it is copyrighted and appears in the book "Electrogravitics Systems: Reports
on a New Propulsion Methodology" edited by T. Valone (Washington, D.C.:
Integrity Research Institute, 1994). If you had downloaded that paper, be aware of
its copyrighted status and do not keep or pass on that information. The book,
Electrogravitics Systems, which contains this paper with its nine diagrams,
and other electrogravitics papers as well, may be ordered from the following
website: [ [www.etheric.com] ]

Excerpt from "The U.S. Antigravity Squadron"
by Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D.

Electrogravitic (antigravity) technology, under development in U.S. Air
Force black R&D programs since late 1954, may now have been put to practical
use in the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber to provide an exotic auxiliary
mode of propulsion. This inference is based on the recent disclosure that
the B-2 charges both its wing leading edge and jet exhaust stream to a high
voltage. Positive ions emitted from its wing leading edge would produce a
positively charged parabolic ion sheath ahead of the craft while negative
ions injected into it's exhaust stream would set up a trailing negative
space charge with a potential difference in excess of 15 million volts.
According to electrogravitic research carried out by physicist T. Townsend
Brown, such a differential space charge would set up an artificial gravity
field that would induce a reactionless force on the aircraft in the
direction of the positive pole. An electrogravitic drive of this sort could
allow the B-2 to function with over-unity propulsion efficiency when
cruising at supersonic velocities.

For many years rumors circulated that the U.S. was secretly developing a
highly advanced, radar-evading aircraft. Rumor turned to reality in November
of 1988, when the Air Force unveiled the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber.
Although military spokesmen provided the news media with some information
about the craft's outward design, and low radar and infrared profile, there
was much they were silent about. However, several years later, some key
secrets about the B-2 were leaked to the press. On March 9, 1992, "Aviation
Week and Space Technology" magazine made a surprising disclosure that the
B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edges of
its wing-like body.(1) Those familiar with the electrogravitics research of
American physicist T. Townsend Brown will quickly realize that this is
tantamount to stating that the B-2 is able to function as an antigravity

"Aviation Week" obtained their information about the B-2 from a small group
of renegade west coast scientists and engineers who were formerly associated
with black research projects. In making these disclosures, these scientists
broke a code of silence that rivals the Mafia's. They took the risk because
they felt that it was important for economic reasons that efforts be made to
declassify certain black technologies for commercial use. Two of these
individuals said that their civil rights had been blatantly abused (in the
name of security) either to keep them quiet or to prevent them from leaving
the tightly controlled black R&D community.

Several months after "Aviation Week" published the article, black world
security personnel went into high gear. That sector of the black R&D
community received VERY STRONG warnings and, as a result, the group of
scientists subsequently broke off contact with the magazine. Clearly, the
overseers of black R&D programs were substantially concerned about the
information leaks that had come out in that article.

To completely understand the significance of what was said about the B-2,
one must first become familiar with Brown's work. Beginning in the mid
1920's, Townsend Brown discovered that it is possible to create an
artificial gravity field by charging an electrical capacitor to a
high-voltage.(2) He specially built a capacitor which utilized a heavy, high
charge-accumulating (high K-factor) dielectric material between its plates
and found that when charges with between 70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would
move in the direction of its positive pole. When oriented with its positive
side up, it would proceed to lose about 1 percent of it's weight.(3, 4) He
attributed this motion to an electrostatically-induced gravity field acting
between the capacitor's oppositely charged plates. By 1958, he had succeeded
in developing a 15 inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of
its weight!(5) Brown's experiments had launched a new field of investigation
which came to be known as electrogravitics, the technology of controlling
gravity through the use of high-voltage electric charge.

1. Scott, W. B. "Black World engineers, scientists encourage using highly
classified technology for civil applications." Aviation Week & Space
Technology, March 9, 1992, pp. 66-67.
2. Brown, T. T. "How I control gravity." Science and Invention Magazine,
August 1929. Reprinted in Psychic Observer 37(1) pp. 14 - 18.
3. Burridge, G. "Another step toward anti-gravity." The American Mercury
86(6) (1958):77 - 82.
4. Moore, W. L., and Berlitz, C. The Philadelphia Experiment: Project
Invisibility. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1979, Ch. 10.
5. Rho Sigma, Ether Technology: A Rational Approach to Gravity Control.
Lakemont, GA: CSA Printing & Bindery, 1977, p. 44-49, quoting a letter from T.
Brown dated February 14, 1973.

<HTML>To Mr. Joshua,</HTML>
<HTML>the facts may be true, the dream of an ideal utopia is closser at hand; my librarian was right books come to life when you read them, but the million dollar question is are we as human beings mature and responsible to handle and care for a new mode of transportation or a deadly weapon. If we are then how come you don't see a trend in people flying ultralights or something small and X-mental everday or more for recreation, ya know. Leaders do things that they find in their heart and others follow because they like or they believe. when in fact that you can go to the local FORD dealership to put a down payment on a 2050 Mustang GT then hover off to the monolithic dome home we shall be way more advance not in science and technolgy but, more in matters of the heart. In lieu of what is needed for us to survive and propogate I Agree the information and data should be available.

W. Stewart</HTML>