'The old energy order is living on borrowed time. You can, in a sense, compare what is happening to the decline of Britain’s canals in the mid-19th century when railways burst onto the scene and drove down cargo tolls, destroying the business model.'<blockquote>'..they commit the world to a reduction in fossil fuel demand by 30pc to 40pc over the next 20 years, and this is just the start of a revolutionary shift to net zero emissions by 2080 or thereabouts.
The IEA says China invested $80bn in renewable energy last year, as much as the US and the EU combined. It is blanketing chunks of the Gobi Desert with solar panels, necessary to absorb the massive surplus production of its own solar companies. The party’s Energy Research Institute has floated the idea of raising the renewable share of electricity to 86pc by 2050 .. It plans 200 gigawatts (GW) of wind and 100GW of solar by then, and a reduction in coal use from 2020 onwards. There will be a carbon emissions trading scheme as soon as 2017.
The old energy order is living on borrowed time. You can, in a sense, compare what is happening to the decline of Britain’s canals in the mid-19th century when railways burst onto the scene and drove down cargo tolls, destroying the business model.'
- Ambrose Evans-Pritchard,
Paris climate deal to ignite a $90 trillion energy revolution, October 28, 2015</blockquote>
Context (Global) - Dii - Electric '..Super Grid.', Twenty Global Issues, Twenty Years to Solve Them<blockquote>
The nuclear retreat - '..the global transition to sustainable 100 percent renewable energy.' - '..in Europe by 2050.'(The Electric Universe) - LLPFusion - 'Power plants which are simple, cheap, and small .. have no noise, no odor, and no hazard..'Presentation: Phase I (2012 - 2022) - The Beginning(To Heal) - '..the forces and forms of nature -- clouds, mountains, waves -- in cities of the future.'The nuclear retreat - '..running their economies with a higher share of renewables than of nuclear.'(Energy Revolution) - '..the U.S. grid is less reliable and older than the German one..'Energiewende - '..a thriving, decentralized system generating power from renewable sources all over the country.'(To Heal)(Reinventing Organizations) - Dutch, French & Polish translations are available (October, 2015)(In The Electric Universe) Open Source Infrastructure, beginning of the Enterprise Nervous System (ENS)</blockquote>