'I remain optimistic, but even more cautiously than before. If 2016 taught me anything, it was that we economists should stick to our jobs as
"students of civilization" as the founding members of the Austrian School saw their intellectual mission.
..We have the tools and mentality to be 'students of civilization" as our intellectual tradition demands.'
- Peter Boettke,
2016: A Year in a Life, December 29, 2016
'This book argues that the work of the Austrian economists, including Carl Menger, Joseph Schumpeter, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, has been too narrowly interpreted. Through a study of Viennese politics and culture, it demonstrates that the project they were engaged in was much broader: the study and defense of a liberal civilization. Erwin Dekker shows the importance of the civilization in their work and how they conceptualized their own responsibilities toward that civilization, which was attacked left and right during the interwar period. Dekker argues that what differentiates their position is that they thought of themselves primarily as students of that civilization rather than as social scientists, or engineers. This unique focus and approach is related to the Viennese setting of the circles, which constitute the heart of Viennese intellectual life in the interwar period.
• Corrects the one-sided view on Austrian economists which dominates the literature • Investigates how economics was transformed into a modern engineering science and what was lost in the process • Helps the reader understand how the Austrian economists regarded their role and responsibilities as scholars and citizens'
The Viennese Students of Civilization, 2014
Context 'A judgment of value .. a man's affective response to definite conditions of the universe..' - Ludwig von Mises'..dismantle the Marxist myth..' - 'Karl Marx, False consciousness'(Bazaarmodel - To Heal - Teal) - '..is it possible to build a truly Evolutionary-Teal school?'(The Electric Universe) - SAFIRE as Astrophysical Laboratory | EU2016The Christmas Truce of 1914 - '..what might have happened if the truce had spread and this had caused the war to end earlier..'(To Heal - Teal - Bazaarmodel) - Striving for wholeness '..We have let our busy egos trump the quiet voice of our soul; many cultures often celebrate the mind and neglect the body..''..how socialism actually produces a superclass of elites and a form of socio-economic apartheid..'(Haptopraxeology) - '..We have lost three centuries as a result of ignoring our scholars!'Presentation: Phase I (2012 - 2022) - The Beginning