

'The electrical nature of mass and gravity' - By Wal Thornhill

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>'A recent review of the history of astronomy concludes, “The inability of researchers to rid themselves of earlier ideas led to centuries of stagnation. An incredible series of deliberate oversights, indefensible verbal evasions, myopia, and plain pig-headedness characterize the pedestrian progress along this elusive road for science. We must be constantly on our guard, critically examining all the hidden assumptions in our work.” [8]

The public must be made aware how science actually operates and is protected from scrutiny. It will require the kind of fearless investigative journalism we often see in politics. Science reporters must refuse to bow to the expert and the lazy dissemination of academic propaganda.

Newtonian dynamics does not guarantee stability in a many-body gravitational system; quite the reverse in fact. The electrical nature of mass and gravity simply adds a new dimension to Newton’s celestial mechanics. No ‘new physics’ is required.

History serves as an appellate court, ready to reverse the judgments of the lower courts, which are limited by the myopia of contemporaneity.” [9]'

<font "size=-1">[8] Simon Mitton, reviewing The Milky Way by Stanley L. Jaki, New Scientist, 5 July 1973, p. 38.
[9] Robert K. Merton, The Matthew Effect in Science: The reward and communication systems of science are considered, Science, Vol. 159, pp. 56-63.</font>
- Wal Thornhill, Newton’s Electric Clockwork Solar System, 21 April 2009</blockquote>