

Solar Electricity - Electric Universe (EU) paradigm

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>'In the electric Sun hypothesis, the Sun is an anode, or or positively charged "electrode." As previously mentioned, the cathode is an invisible "virtual cathode," called the heliosphere, at the farthest limit of the Sun's coronal discharge, billions of kilometers from its surface. This is the double layer that isolates the Sun's plasma cell from the galactic plasma that surrounds it.

In the Electric Universe model, most of the voltage difference between the Sun and the galaxy occurs across the heliospheric boundary sheath. Inside the <a href="[en.wikipedia.org]; the weak electric field centered on the Sun is enough to power the solar discharge. The visible component of the glow discharge occurs above the solar surface in layers.'
- Stephen Smith, Solar Electricity, Jun 24, 2009</blockquote>

<blockquote>'Electric Universe theory proposes that most of the Universe is behaving according to the laws of plasma dynamics.


...Plasma, not hot gas, is flowing through space. The physics of electric currents apply, not the physics of winds. Within the shell of a planetary nebula are one or more plasma sheaths, or "double layers," that act like capacitors, alternately storing and releasing electrical energy. The current flow alternately increases and decreases within the sheaths inside and outside the shell.


Ideas like this are unfamiliar to astronomers who think in absolute terms of gravity and mass—they seldom think about charges. They think of moving charges from the Sun as a “solar wind” instead of an electric current. They think of charged particles impacting a planet or moon as a “rain” instead of an electrical discharge. They think of charged particles moving along a magnetic field as a “jet” instead of a field-aligned Birkeland current. They think of abrupt changes in the density and speed of charged particles as a “shock wave” instead of a double layer that can even explode.

As astronomer Amy Acheson wrote:

"It’s been over 300 years since Newton encountered his apple, and his conception of gravity, now modified by Einstein and supplemented with similar mechanical theories of solids, liquids and gasses, has become the popular vision of space—an almost-empty universe of self-contained bodies. And now it’s been 100 years since Birkeland encountered his aurora, and his conception of electric currents in space, developed by such pioneers as Irving Langmuir and Hannes Alfven, has been a footnote to standard theory, rarely called upon except to explain the occasional curiosity in space."

It's about time that the simple more straightforward explanations are remembered and not the arcane, overly complex hyperbole that seems to be the standard for scientific papers today.'
- Stephen Smith, Nebular Currents, Jun 22, 2009</blockquote>

<blockquote>'Plasma is often described as the fourth state of matter. Since it makes up more than 99% of the Universe, it should be reckoned the first state.

It was in September of 2006 that a major premise of Electric Universe theory was confirmed: Earth weather is electrically connected to the ionosphere. Since electricity always flows in a circuit, if the ionosphere connects to Earth's magnetosphere then it connects to the circuits of the Solar System, as well.


Every world in the solar system is a charged body orbiting in a plasma. There are many ways in which plasma interacts with dust or atmospheric gases no matter how hot or cold they are. Spacecraft sent to other planets, as well as satellites orbiting our own planet, have detected aurorae, lightning, tornadoes and dust devils.

Large magnetic fields have been detected in galaxies, and those fields indicate that Birkeland currents flow in circuits through them. The current-induced magnetic forces pull the currents into filaments, twist the filaments around each other, and then "pinch" the galactic plasma until the internal pressure balances the magnetic constriction. Stars will form like beads along a galactic wire, that wire being a Birkeland current filament.

Volcanoes on Earth have been found to “spit lightning” from their vents. Global dust storms on Mars are shown to be fed by thousands of sky-high funnels. Further into the solar system remote instruments are finding radio noise, electrified comets, spokes in Saturn’s rings and many other modes of electrical activity.


It is rare to read a report in a science news magazine that discusses the electrical nature of plasma and its role in the Universe. As more instruments capable of measuring the plasma environment of space are built and more sensitive detectors are sent out to the various planets, moons, comets, and eventually, nebulae, the Electric Universe paradigm will only gain more support...'
- Stephen Smith, Plasma In Three Dimensions, Jun 12, 2009</blockquote>

<blockquote>'...Earth is a small charged body moving in a large cell of plasma, so physical phenomena on or near the planet must take the electrical nature of plasma into account. Contemplating the larger picture will help to add new details to the study of everyday phenomena, such as the weather.'
- Stephen Smith, Electric Wind, Jun 12, 2009</blockquote>

<blockquote>'In April of 2009, NASA’s THEMIS satellites found "electrical tornadoes" about 60,000 kilometers above the Earth at the interface between Earth's magnetosphere and the solar wind. During the most recent MESSENGER flyby of Mercury, similar flux tubes were found, connecting its magnetic field directly with the Sun through twisting Birkeland current filaments. Birkeland currents are well-known to plasma physicists and Electric Universe proponents. They act as cosmic transmission lines through space, confining plasma within their vortices and allowing electric currents to flow over great distances.'
- Stephen Smith, What Are Little Planets Made Of?, Jun 05, 2009</blockquote>

<blockquote>'Galaxies are formed along immensely powerful Birkeland currents where magnetic z-pinches play a critical role in shaping galaxies and, in turn, the star systems within them. Therefore, all galaxies will have magnetic fields whose strengths will vary depending on the Birkeland currents that power them. So the observation of galaxies 6-8 billion light years away with powerful magnetic fields is completely in keeping with the Electric Universe model, because magnetic fields are integral to galaxy formation and their ongoing dynamics.

This research should be closely monitored, but the EU model makes a clear prediction. Wolfe and his colleagues will find a magnetic field spanning the next galaxy they directly measure with the Zeeman effect. Galaxies do not “spin up” magnetic fields, it’s the other way around.

As long as astronomers and astrophysicists continue with a conceptual framework that does not include electrical forces acting at the cosmological scale, they will continue to be surprised by their observations. Ultimately, the really interesting phenomenon to observe in all this is the human ability to cling to belief systems in the face of overwhelming data. The Electric Universe movement is an exciting opportunity to witness a single explanatory framework driving paradigm shifts across multiple disciplines.'
- Thomas Wilson, A Magnetic Problem with “Protogalaxies”, Jul 02, 2009</blockquote>

<blockquote>'Clouds of ionized gas and dust in space are not heated up by gravity, they are compressed by electrical forces and emit synchrotron radiation.


The roughly concentric and radial filaments prompt one to suspect that we are looking “down the barrel” of an interstellar Birkeland “cable,” which is pinching down in an hourglass form to create and to power the central star. The instabilities are not those of gravitation, which have never been shown convincingly to cause collapse. They are plasma instabilities, which have been shown in lab demonstrations not only to pull in material and to compress it but also to set it spinning. (Removing and imparting spin at exactly the right times in exactly the right amounts is an insurmountable obstacle in theories of gravitational collapse.)

From a plasma perspective, the temperature is also open to question. Consensus astronomy talks a lot about unobservable things like dark matter and dark energy, but it talks hardly at all about observable synchrotron radiation, which is what most celestial radiation is. Thermal radiation is produced by random collisions of atoms, and its “peak” wavelength is a measure of the temperature of the atoms. Synchrotron radiation is produced by electrons moving along a magnetic field.

Moving electrons are also known as an electric current, and a current moving along a magnetic field—a “field-aligned current”—is also known as a Birkeland current. It’s therefore not surprising that a universe composed almost exclusively of plasma, which organizes itself into Birkeland currents, should principally emit synchrotron radiation. Of course, synchrotron radiation gives no indication of temperature: indeed, since it comes from a non-random process, “temperature” is not even defined.'
- Mel Acheson, So Hot You're Cool, So Cool You're Hot, May 21, 2009</blockquote>

<blockquote>'Astronomical research in the virtual realm instigates foregone conclusions.

The Thunderbolts Picture of the Day has never considered questions that involve the search for subjective meaning in the universe to be necessary when analyzing the observations that NASA and other research groups provide. It is enough in most instances to draw correspondence between the theories proposed in peer-reviewed journals and the concepts embodied in Electric Universe hypotheses. The so-called anomalies in consensus opinions tend to disappear in most cases when EU theory is brought to bear on the questions.


The most important issue separating the Electric Universe from conventional views is that evidence based in laboratory experiments can be used to support EU theories of cosmogony. The mainstream sinks its foundations in ground where computer models and complex equations are used for support. It is this philosophical divergence that inhibits the general acceptance of plasma and electricity as active agents in space.'
- Stephen Smith, What is Truth?, May 27, 2009</blockquote>

<blockquote>'In several previous Picture of the Day discussions about black holes and their influence on the universe we determined that the descriptive terminology used by researchers is itself problematic, relying on highly speculative explanations derived from loose interpretations. Ambiguous lexical labels such as space/time, multiple universes, singularities, infinite density and other ideas that are not quantifiable have introduced irony into what should be a realistic investigation into the nature of the universe.


There is no experimental evidence that matter can be compressed to “infinite density”. How stars form supernovae is not clear. Supernovae do not form spherical shells when they explode; they form glowing bipolar plasma formations like an hourglass. No one knows what triggers a black hole to suddenly gobble-up matter in its "accretion disk" within a few months.

As we have noted in the past, Hannes Alfvén identified the "exploding double layer" as a new class of celestial object. It is double layers in space plasmas that form most of the unusual structures we see. Stellar explosions, jets, rings, and glowing clouds – these are all examples of electricity flowing through dusty plasma confined within Birkeland currents that stretch across the light years.

Compression zones (z-pinches) in the plasma filaments form plasmoids that become the stars and galaxies. Electricity is responsible for the birth of stars, and when the current density gets too high the double layers in the circuit catastrophically release their excess energy and appear as gamma ray bursts or x-rays or flares of ultraviolet light.'
- Stephen Smith, Supermassive Problems with Black Holes, Jun 02, 2009</blockquote>

<blockquote>'So what are astronomers looking at when they see black holes? They observe an explosion of energy where there isn’t enough gravity to generate it. Because they are ignorant about plasma phenomena, they can’t imagine anything but gravity that might produce such energy. Electricity, which could generate such energy, is taboo, and so they must resort to the sorcery of division by zero.'
- By Mel Acheson, Vampire Astronomy, May 28, 2009</blockquote>