

What Science Means for Man - 'The human spirit ... It is able to leap to conclusions by intuition.' - Sir Oliver Lodge

Posted by ProjectC 
'...For the Truth is larger than what any man deems possible, and no one man or group of men has any monopoly over that divine fragrance...'

<blockquote>'The human spirit is more at home in Poetry and Literature and Art than it is in the gropings and cautious investigations of Science. It is able to leap to conclusions by intuition. It likes to disport itself with full and untrammelled imagination. ... There are many ways of arriving at Truth, the scientific path is but one.


...and all avenues conscientiously explored lead in the direction of the Truth. For the Truth is larger than what any man deems possible, and no one man or group of men has any monopoly over that divine fragrance. Hidden and rare and yet dazzling and splendid, she emerges from her enwrappings, more beautiful than ever we had imagined and grander than anything we had conceived.


There are grades of incarnation: the most thorough kind is that illustrated by our bodies; in them we are incarnate, but probably [n]ot even in that case is the incarnation complete. It is quite credible that our whole and entire personality is never terrestrially manifest.'

- Sir Oliver Lodge, What Science Means for Man</blockquote>