

'..insulated in his womb of academic theory ... blinded by academic theory.' - Mish

Posted by ProjectC 
'...most professors seldom teach.'

<blockquote>'The Fact of the matter is FDR's policies were extremely destructive.

The baby boom following WWII is what got the economy humming, not inept policies or unions.


...Reich does not understand what it takes to create jobs in the real world. Reich lives in academia, insulated in his womb of academic theory, theories that anyone living in the real world can easily see are fatally flawed in today's world.


Reich, is blinded by academic theory. He does not understand business in the real word. He cannot distinguish between the problem and the solution. He never once discusses how the "haves" (overpaid unionized public workers), are destroying private ordinary taxpayers.


...most professors seldom teach. Instead students are taught by substitutes while the professors entertain self-serving research projects to justify their inflated salaries and egos.'

- Mish, Labor Day Insanity from Clinton's Secretary of Labor, September 06, 2010</blockquote>