

'The coming days are a time for mourning in Russia.' - The Professor

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>'My condolences to all those who lost their lives in today’s terrorist atrocity in Domodedovo Airport in Moscow. My condolences as well to their families and friends, and to Russians generally who have to live under greater threat of terror attack..


The coming days are a time for mourning in Russia.  But after Russians mourn their dead, I hope they question more aggressively and critically the yawning gap between gangster bravado and less than bravura performance.  I hope they start asking whether Putin and the government are holding up their end of the security-for-liberties bargain.  If they do, the victims of Domodedovo will not have died completely in vain, and Russia will have a chance to become a more humane place—and .. a safer one.

- The Professor, The Dodomedovo Bombing, January 24, 2011