

(Global Issues - '..a whole world to change..') - 'All EU fish stocks are to be fished using the new, more sustainable methods by 2015..'

Posted by ProjectC 
'Cause you know, that you got a whole world to change
But understand who you gotta change first'

<blockquote>'Don't forget where you come from
Don't die, holding on to your words
Cause you know, that you got a whole world to change
But understand who you gotta change first'

- Macklemore X Ryan Lewis- Victory Lap (Lyrics) '..will check your ego'</blockquote>

"Overfishing must come to an end," says Rodust

<blockquote>'Fish stocks have made surprising comebacks in the North and Baltic seas. But much remains to be done. Beginning in January, new EU laws will impose more sustainable practices with stricter quotas and by-catch rules.


Something amazing is happening in the seas off Germany's coasts, where most species were long considered overfished. But now some stocks are recovering at an astonishing rate. Experts are seeing a significant upward trend in the North Sea, and even more so in the Baltic Sea.
"We assume that the Baltic Sea will be the first European body of water that can be sustainably fished once again," says Christopher Zimmermann, director of the Thünen OF. "That would be a huge success."


"Overfishing must come to an end," says Rodust, and she is confident that his goal can be achieved. All EU fish stocks are to be fished using the new, more sustainable methods by 2015, if possible, and by no later than 2020. The EU could serve as a role model worldwide, says Rodust, adding: "We have received a great deal of praise internationally for our reforms." '

Reeling In the Trawlers: EU Takes On Overfishing, December 13, 2013</blockquote>


<blockquote>Twenty Global Issues, Twenty Years to Solve Them

Presentation: Phase I (2012 - 2022) - The Beginning

(The Emerging Science of Consciousness) - The Science of the Mind Body connection '..action is a manifestation of the mind.'

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) (Wikipedia)

Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
