

'..Lenin destroyed freedom of the press..'

Posted by ProjectC 
'..It would have saved the peoples of Russia an immense amount of suffering if Lenin — and Marx and Engels before him — had not quite so brusquely dismissed the work of men like Montesquieu and Jefferson, Benjamin Constant and Alexis de Tocqueville. These writers had been preoccupied with the problem of how to thwart the state's ever-present drive toward absolute power .. the fact that the victims of Soviet Communism can never be fully acknowledged in their homelands is all the more reason that, as a matter of historical justice, we in the West must endeavor to keep their memory alive.'

'..Lenin destroyed freedom of the press, abolished all protections against the police power, and rejected any hint of division of powers and checks and balances in government. It would have saved the peoples of Russia an immense amount of suffering if Lenin — and Marx and Engels before him — had not quite so brusquely dismissed the work of men like Montesquieu and Jefferson, Benjamin Constant and Alexis de Tocqueville. These writers had been preoccupied with the problem of how to thwart the state's ever-present drive toward absolute power. They laid out, often in painstaking detail, the political arrangements that are required, the social forces that must be nurtured, in order to avert tyranny. But to Marx and his Bolshevik followers, this was nothing more than "bourgeois ideology," obsolete and of no relevance to the future socialist society. Any trace of decentralization or division of power, the slightest suggestion of a countervailing force to the central authority of the "associated producers," ran directly contrary to the vision of the unitary planning of the whole of social life.<a href="[mises.org];[26]</a>


.. What is certain is that the Soviet Union has been the worst reeking charnel house of the whole awful 20th century, worse even than the one the Nazis created (but then they had less time).<a href="[mises.org];[35]</a> The sum total of deaths due to Soviet policy — in the Stalin period alone — deaths from the collectivization and the terror famine, the executions and the Gulag, is probably on the order of 20,000,000.<a href="[mises.org];[36]</a>


..during World War II, "the losses inflicted by the Soviet state upon its own people rivaled any the Germans could inflict on the battlefield"? That "the Nazi concentration camps were modified versions of Soviet originals," whose evolution the German leadership had followed with some care. That, in short, "the Soviet Union is not only the original killer state, but the model one"?<a href="[mises.org];[44]</a> If they did that, what might the consequences not be this time?

But the fact that the victims of Soviet Communism can never be fully acknowledged in their homelands is all the more reason that, as a matter of historical justice, we in the West must endeavor to keep their memory alive.'

- Ralph Raico, Marxist Dreams and Soviet Realities, Friday, April 20, 2012


((Hapto)praxeology) - '..patterns of behavior or human action, such as money, the market, law, etc..'

(Praxeology) - '..the behaviorist and the experimentalists versus the praxeologists and the philosophers..'

(Haptopraxeology) - '..the near entirety of the social science community betrayed humanity .. failed .. to fulfill their vital scientific duty..'

‘a storm wrecked beach’ - Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler