

'..the Crimean vote “discredited Russia more than could be dreamed up by a foreign agent.” '

Posted by ProjectC 
'..22.5 percent of total Crimean population voting in favor.'

<blockquote>'To make sure no one misses this:

Official Kremlin results: 97 percent of polled voters for annexation, turnout 83 percent, and 82 percent of total Crimean population voting in favor.

President’s Human Rights Council mid-point estimate: 55 percent of polled voters for annexation, turnout 40 percent, 22.5 percent of total Crimean population voting in favor.

A member of the Human Rights Council, Svetlana Gannushkina, talked about election fraud on Kanal 24 (as replayed on Ukrainian television), declaring that the Crimean vote “discredited Russia more than could be dreamed up by a foreign agent.” '

- Paul Roderich Gregory, Putin's 'Human Rights Council' Accidentally Posts Real Crimean Election Results, May 5, 2014</blockquote>

'..petrodollars to finance foreign adventurism in the Caucuses, Moldova, Crimea, and now Eastern Ukraine.'

<blockquote>'..Putin deploys his petrodollars to pay for the rampant corruption which holds his KGB state together, and, as of late, he has found a new use: petrodollars to finance foreign adventurism in the Caucuses, Moldova, Crimea, and now Eastern Ukraine. He should beware: foreign aggression could impose annual “costs of empire” on Russia that are untenable.


In Putin’s world, such economic accountants do not factor in the bigger things like the restoration of empire, Russian pride, or more important, holding on to power. And the costs will be borne tomorrow, not today anyway.'

- Paul Roderich Gregory, Putin's Promises To Eastern Ukraine Could Bankrupt Russia May 1, 2014</blockquote>


<blockquote>'..Russia .. teeming with corrupt parasites .. consuming the bear from within.'