

Enterprise Nervous System (ENS) - Bloomberg (OpenStack)

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>'Bloomberg has been an active member of the OpenStack community since early 2013. Earlier this year we were identified as a “pioneer” in the space, and our engagement continues to grow. When OpenStack held its first European event in Paris earlier this month, with over 4,600 users reportedly in attendance, we were there in full force.

During the conference, Bloomberg senior Cloud Builder Caius Howcroft and Programmer Peter Martini presented to the crowd providing insights into what Bloomberg is starting to do with OpenStack.

For those of you not familiar with OpenStack, it originally started in 2010 as a partnership between Rackspace and NASA. Since then, the community has grown significantly.'

- Bloomberg, Openstack 2014 in Paris, November 2014</blockquote>


<blockquote>'Companies Are Finally Learning To Share—The Open Source Way'

(In The Electric Universe) Open Source Infrastructure, beginning of the Enterprise Nervous System (ENS)</blockquote>