

(Electric Universe) - '..a Birkeland current may be responsible for the planetary spacings described by the Titius-Bode Law..'

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>'If Birkeland currents are as widely scalable as they seem to be, it can be expected that the downward flow of energy into the Sun’s north pole discovered by the Ulysses space probe may be due to a “big-brother” member of that family. If so, what if any effects on our system of planets might be expected? In his second talk Dr. Scott addresses an earlier claim that the structure of such a Birkeland current may be responsible for the planetary spacings described by the Titius-Bode Law.

Dr. Donald Scott earned his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering at the University of Connecticut. He earned a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, and was a member of the faculty of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst from 1959 until his retirement in 1998. During that time, he was the recipient of several good-teaching awards and authored numerous scientific papers and chapters. In 1987, the McGraw-Hill Book Company published his 730-page textbook, An Introduction To Circuit Analysis – A Systems Approach. In addition, Dr. Scott published the classic, Electric Sky (2006), 256 pages of compelling material on the Electric Universe and plasma cosmology (electric-cosmos.org).'

- Donald Scott: Cosmic Power Lines Part 2 | EU2015, February 9, 2016</blockquote>


<blockquote>'..ignoring the fruits of 150 or so years of electrical science.' - Donald E. Scott

Current Models of the Sun — A Charged Subject Part 3, January 13, 2016

(Electric Universe) - '..the SAFIRE Project has moved into Phase 2..'</blockquote>