

(To Heal - Teal - Bazaarmodel) - Striving for wholeness '..We have let our busy egos trump the quiet voice of our soul; many cultures often celebrate the mind and neglect the body..'

Posted by ProjectC 
'..Often the shift to Teal comes with an opening to a transcendent spiritual realm and a profound sense that at some level, we are all connected and part of one big whole..'

Striving for wholeness

'Disidentifying from the ego is one more step of liberation on the human journey. But with disidentification comes separation, and people operating at this stage often develop a keen sense of how far we have let separation fragment our lives and how much it has cost us. We have let our busy egos trump the quiet voice of our soul; many cultures often celebrate the mind and neglect the body; value the masculine above the feminine; and many of us have lost community and our innate connection with nature.


..Often the shift to Teal comes with an opening to a transcendent spiritual realm and a profound sense that at some level, we are all connected and part of one big whole. After many successive steps of disidentification, as we learn to be fully independent and true to ourselves, it dawns on us that, paradoxically, we are profoundly part of everything.'

- Teal Organizations (Reviewed 23 September 2016)

Context (Teal) - '..the old ways of social organization are proving to be increasingly ineffectual..'

(To Heal)(Management innovation) - '..Teal Organizations to start healing the world..'

'Reinventing Organizations: ..radically more soulful, purposeful and powerful ways to structure and run .. organizations.'

'..a wiki about Teal management practices.'

(To Heal)(Reinventing Organizations) - '..news about what happening in the space of organizations going Teal.'

'The collapse of the Soviet Union .. U.S. finance was becoming increasingly state-directed..'

(Teal)(Reinventing Organizations) - 'Planting the seeds of new possibilities..'

'Reinventing Organizations .. the German translation sold 1600 copies in the first 6 weeks..' (June 10, 2015)

(To Heal)(Reinventing Organizations) - Dutch, French & Polish translations are available (October, 2015)

(Bazaarmodel - Teal) - 'There are also translations in the making into Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Spanish, and Italian..'

(Bazaarmodel - Teal) 'The movement for reinventing organizations and its companion-movements..'

'..to rethink and to rebuild a culture where there are open channels between feeling and understanding..'

(Open Source) - '..“open innovation.” Companies such as AstraZeneca, Lilly, GSK, Janssen, Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, TransCelerate, and others..'

(Praxeology) - '..his or her subjective values .. to explain all economic phenomena as the results of what people do..'