<blockquote>'If your company is new to Linux or open source and you think we can help, please consider joining the Linux Foundation or contact us
- Amanda McPherson,
Open Compliance Training Helps Set-Top-Box Manufacturer Leverage Linux, 02 May 2011</blockquote>
'..the use of Linux and other open source software has exploded in recent years..'<blockquote>'As the use of Linux and other open source software has exploded in recent years, especially in mobile and consumer electronics products, the need has arisen for a trusted, neutral, non-commercial compliance program that offers a comprehensive offering of compliance training, tools and services. To address that complexity, The Linux Foundation has developed a set of open source tools, training curricula and a new self-administered assessment checklist that will allow companies to ensure compliance in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The Open Compliance Program also includes a new data exchange standard so companies and their suppliers can easily report software information in a standard way.'
Open Compliance Program</blockquote>