'The victims will be the usual suspects who always get victimized by the schemes of inflationists: pensioners, widows and orphans and anyone else relying on their savings and fixed income to see them through.'<blockquote>'..
chartalism (or 'MMT' as it calls itself nowadays). It is nothing but old-fashioned, pseudo-scientific and long discredited inflationist monetary crankery. The economy is not just a 'game of numbers', it is about entrepreneurs economizing and allocating scarce resources as efficiently as possible. Anything that disturbs this process can only lead to disaster..
The current monetary system is bad enough as it is, there is no need to make things even worse by repeating the mistakes made by the inflationist cranks who have held office in the past, such as the above mentioned von Havenstein.
Alas, going down the path of naked inflationism
openly will only serve to accelerate the end of the euro as a viable currency. The victims will be the usual suspects who always get victimized by the schemes of inflationists: pensioners, widows and orphans and anyone else relying on their savings and fixed income to see them through.
The 'rentiers' will end up 'euthanized' – and the economy will go down the drain right with them.
Georg Friedrich Knapp, the statistician who invented chartalism, the statist monetary theory ultimately responsible for laying low the Weimar Republic..'
- Acting Man,
Chartalist Fantasies, September 26th, 2011</blockquote>