

'..ethics in particular .. absolute principle of ethics..' - '..deze fundamentele ethiek..'

Posted by ProjectC 
'Whether the following studies .. with philosophical problems as the foundations of knowledge, and of economics and ethics in particular .. The right to private property is an indisputably valid, absolute principle of ethics and the basis for continuous “optimal” economic progress.'

'Whether the following studies deal with economic topics such as employment, interest, money, banking, business cycles, taxes, public goods, or growth; with philosophical problems as the foundations of knowledge, and of economics and ethics in particular; or the reconstruction and theoretical explanation of historical and sociological phenomena such as exploitation, the rise and fall of civilizations, international politics, war, imperialism, and the role of ideas and ideological movements in the course of social evolution—each ultimately contributes to but one conclusion: The right to private property is an indisputably valid, absolute principle of ethics and the basis for continuous “optimal” economic progress. To rise from the ruins of socialism and overcome the stagnation of the Western welfare states, nothing will suffice but the uncompromising privatization of all socialized, that is, government, property and the establishment of a contractual society based on the recognition of the absoluteness of private property rights.'

- Hans-Hermann Hoppe, The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (pdf), xi

'..Een oproep tot een mondiale overeenstemming omtrent een fundamentele wetenschapsethiek die consequent dient te worden aangehouden en die moet komen voor het te laat is!'

'De haptonomie, toont aan dat wetenschaps-technieken en -ontwikkelingen, door onkritische en zelfs onverantwoorde toepassingen, schade kunnen berokkenen aan menselijk leven, dan wel dit kunnen ontwaarden. Dat kan en mag nooit de uitwerking zijn van wetenschapsbeoefening. Een wetenschapsethiek behoort alle risico's van het menszijn bedreigende, ontkennende of vernietigende invloeden uit te sluiten. Zonder dat schort het de wetenschap aan geweten en openbaart zij de ruïne van de ziel, die in de «weten-schapper» die zich niet naar deze fundamentele ethiek richt, huist.

Op grond van haar fenomenaliteit mag vanuit de haptonomie een appèl op bezinning en op verantwoordelijkheid gerechtvaardigd worden geacht: een appèl om in gewetensvol overleg te bepalen waar de grenzen liggen en tot hoe ver men mag gaan bij wetenschappelijke onderzoeken en ontwikkelingen waarbij rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks de menselijke waarden en waardigheid, menselijk welzijn en levensgeluk, op het spel staan. Een oproep tot een mondiale overeenstemming omtrent een fundamentele wetenschapsethiek die consequent dient te worden aangehouden en die moet komen voor het te laat is!'

- Frans Veldman, Haptonomie, derde druk (2003), blz. 200 (Context: (Affectivity) '..deontology and ethics should have a preponderant place..')

'Ethics is the primary .. to learn about ethics and about justice.'

'Ethics is the primary .. Economists will have to get used to the idea that not all of life can be encompassed by our own discipline. A painful lesson no doubt, but compensated by the knowledge that it may be good for our souls to realize our own limits—and, just perhaps, to learn about ethics and about justice.'

- Murray N. Rothbard, 'The Myth of Efficiency'

'..there are ethical means of action..'

'The most important aspects are the conception that praxeology extends beyond economics proper, that there are ethical means of action, and that in action, some things are striven for which in principle cannot be attained, so that striving for them impacts the happiness of the individual actor.'

- Adam Knott (Context: (Praxeology) 'Peaceful social coexistence .. a science of ethical actions..')

'..mainly regarding the respect for life, private property..'

'Furthermore, according to our analysis, nothing is more (dynamically) efficient than justice (understood in its proper sense). If we think of the market as a dynamic process, then dynamic efficiency, understood as coordination and creativity, results from the behavior of human beings who follow certain moral laws (mainly regarding the respect for life, private property, and the fulfillment of contracts.)'

- Jesús Huerta de Soto, Four Hundred Years of Dynamic Efficiency

Context - (Dutch) '..Daarom kent de liefde - als Eros - geen taboe.' – Frans Veldman

'..a dagger in the heart of The Mythological Great Moderation.'

'..fiat inflation is a powerhouse of social, economic, cultural, and spiritual destruction.' - Jörg Guido Hülsmann

The Science of Human Action - Praxeology (The Logic of Human Action) - Die wirtschaftliche Energie (1893) (“Economic Energy”) - The Third Industrial Revolution has begun (6)

(Open Source) Open Source Ecology - Open-sourced blueprints for civilization

(The Electric Universe) - 'The Electric Sun is increasingly vindicated with each new piece of data NASA releases.' - Prof. Donald E. Scott

'The tide of war is receding.' The Regrets of the Architect of the Cold War - '..a profound love..'

In The Electric Universe a Future of Peace and Love

'Nevertheless, free-market-environmentalism theorists have overlooked another major cause of the poor use of natural resources: the credit expansion that central banks orchestrate and cyclically inject into the economic process through the private banking system, which operates with the privilege of using a fractional reserve. In fact, the artificial expansion of fiduciary media triggers a speculative-bubble phase in which there is an "irrational exuberance." This phase ends up placing an unwarranted strain on the real economy by making many unprofitable projects appear profitable (Huerta de Soto 2009). The result is unnecessary pressure on the entire natural environment: trees that should not be cut down are cut down; the atmosphere is polluted; rivers are contaminated; mountains are drilled; cement is produced; and minerals, gas, oil, etc., are extracted in an attempt to complete overly ambitious projects that in reality consumers are not willing to demand, etc.'

- Jesús Huerta de Soto, 1. The Relationship between Credit Expansion and Environmental Damage

Why Economics Is Crucial for Ethics - By Art Carden


Project C

'Phase 1: 2012 – 2022 (Profound Builders Era – The beginning of Abundance)' - page 22