'Contrary to popular opinion, scientific research and advancement in a free society would soar well beyond the present levels of today..'<blockquote>'..space technology ought to be treated like all other forms of technology, such as computers, cell phones, and the Internet. That is, with as little government intervention as possible. Truly, there is no definitive or otherwise distinctive feature about space technology that renders it necessary that government funds and operates it via NASA. However, the many challenges of space flight will be sorted out across time by the engineers and entrepreneurs just as the private railroad industry standardized rail-gauge sizes and time-zone adjustments without the oversight of the state. The high barrier to entry is to be mounted slowly but surely, as awe-inspiring innovation brings these achievements from beyond the horizon into the frontier.
As Professor Langley was paid $70,000 (~$2 million today) by the state to fail to develop flight technology, the Wright Brothers were able to prevail on their own accord. As FAA regulations held back Sir Richard Branson (because he is a British subject) from launching Virgin Galactic with his own investments, scientific advancements in the field of aerospace were again delayed or hindered by the state. Just as evolution advances by way of adaptations and natural selection, price signals in a free market serve as a means to progress in technology — through gradual changes over time. Government is not subject to these price signals, and inevitably makes poor allocations of taxpayer funds as a result. Entrepreneurs who actively seek profit find that there is no greater opportunity to do so than to invest their capital in scientific projects or endeavors.
Contrary to popular opinion, scientific research and advancement in a free society would soar well beyond the present levels of today ... the free market has historically facilitated the development of private roads, railroads, canals, buses, cruise lines, airplanes, etc... scientific research and development would [be] voluntarily fund[ed] .. in the absence of a high tax burden.
As it remains, the potential for progress is currently being blockaded by the force exerted by the state, and this force starves the most aspiring of minds from discovering the nature of our beautiful cosmos.'
- David Masten,
The State Is a Harsh Mistress, March 05, 2012</blockquote>
The Beginning of The Creator Unit - The Replicator (3D printing)(To save, to invest) - (Electric Universe) '..new approaches to light management .. will enable ultrahigh efficiencies..'The Science of Human Action - Praxeology (The Logic of Human Action) - Die wirtschaftliche Energie (1893) (“Economic Energy”) - The Third Industrial Revolution has begun (6)</blockquote>