<blockquote>'Recently, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Paranal, Chile
announced that there is “no evidence for dark matter in a large volume around the Sun.” '
- Stephen Smith,
More nails in the dark matter coffin, April 20, 2012</blockquote>
'According to widely accepted theories, the solar neighbourhood was expected to be filled with dark matter..'<blockquote>'The most accurate study so far of the motions of stars in the Milky Way has found no evidence for dark matter in a large volume around the Sun. According to widely accepted theories, the solar neighbourhood was expected to be filled with dark matter, a mysterious invisible substance that can only be detected indirectly by the gravitational force it exerts. But a new study by a team of astronomers in Chile has found that these theories just do not fit the observational facts. This may mean that attempts to directly detect dark matter particles on Earth are unlikely to be successful.'
- OSE,
Serious Blow to Dark Matter Theories? 18 April 2012</blockquote>
'This implies also that our certainties regarding planetary and other masses should be re-evaluated.'<blockquote>'The fact that powerful solar flares have been found seemingly to affect the mass of the Earth, albeit temporarily, suggests that as an electrical property of matter, the mass of an object may not be altogether constant but may be subject to variations that old-paradigm physics would not allow. This would be consistent with the anomalies that have been widely reported in the experimental values of Newton's gravitational constant "G". This implies also that our certainties regarding planetary and other masses should be re-evaluated.
- Bishop Nicholas Sykes,
Article 18 : Implications of the electrical explanation of mass and gravity - Part 3 A New Paradigm of Scientific Thought - The Electric Universe.</blockquote>
'Astrophysicists and astronomers .. [t]hey rarely take any courses in electrodynamic field theory..'<blockquote>'Astrophysicists and astronomers do not study experimental plasma dynamics in graduate school. They rarely take any courses in electrodynamic field theory, and thus they try to explain every new discovery via gravity, magnetism, and fluid dynamics which is all they understand. It is no wonder they cannot understand that 99% of all cosmic phenomena are due to plasma dynamics and not to gravity alone.'
- Donald E. Scott, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering),
The Electric Sky</blockquote>
'We talk about lightning, ball lightning and plasma and we get into some of Donald's background in this field and try to outline in general terms what the theory of the electric universe is.'<blockquote>Donald E. Scott author of
The Electric Sky joins us for a fascinating program on the electric universe theory. Donald has been a lifelong amateur astronomer and he holds a doctorate (Ph.D. degree), Bachelor's & Master's degree in Electrical Engineering. We begin to talk about the recent activity on the sun and how sunspot and solar flares ties in with the electric universe thesis. We talk about lightning, ball lightning and plasma and we get into some of Donald's background in this field and try to outline in general terms what the theory of the electric universe is. We talk about his most recent book "The Electric Sky" and also about Swedish plasma physicist Hannes Alfvén and how his work have contributed to this field. Also tune into our subscriber interview with Donald to hear more of this discussion. (
Source, 2007)
Donald E. Scott interview:
part 1part 2part 3part 4 [1]
part 5part 6 [2]</blockquote></blockquote>
Context<blockquote><a href="[
www.plasma-universe.com] - The Cosmology Quest, A film by Randall Meyers</a> (<a href="[
video.google.com] Video</a>)
'Halton Arp, a Modern Day Galileo''..Curious minds..'<a href="[
mediaman.gsfc.nasa.gov] Scott's presentation at NASA</a>, March 16, 2009
(Book) <a href="[
www.plasma-universe.com] Plasma</i> by Hannes Alfvén</blockquote>
<font size="-1"><strong>Notes</strong>
[1] Dark mode, normal mode (average neon sign), arc mode (Lightning, like the sun.)
[2] 'The current paradigm.'</font>