'Orthodox theory conceives human personality as the product of a person's genetic material inherited from his ancestors through his parents, and the modifying influences of his prenatal and postnatal environment. But I found that some cases cannot be satisfactorily explained by genetics, environmental influences, or a combination of these.'<blockquote>'I had become dissatisfied, you see, with the methods that had been developed in psychiatry for helping people. Orthodox theory conceives human personality as the product of a person's genetic material inherited from his ancestors through his parents, and the modifying influences of his prenatal and postnatal environment. But I found that some cases cannot be satisfactorily explained by genetics, environmental influences, or a combination of these. I am speaking of such things as early childhood phobias, about uncanny abilities that seem to develop spontaneously, of children convinced that they are the wrong sex, congenital deformities, differences between one-egg twins, and even such matters as irrational food preferences.'
- Dr. Ian Stevenson, (
'..I thought little of that and was astonished one day when a German biochemist who learned of our results told me that it would have been impossible to publish them in Germany. He meant that the awe in which Warburg was held would have led to editorial rejection of our report. From this episode I may date my strong interest in all the obstacles that confront the conduct of original research and the communication of its results.'<blockquote>'I do not believe that what history teaches is that history teaches nothing. What it has taught me is the transience, not of our aspirations, but of our material accomplishments and, even more, of our ideas about the nature of man. In particular, the history of medicine shows a humbling succession of ideas about disease, each appearing inviolable for a short period only to prove degradable by the next idea that--at first also hailed an ultimate--is overthrown in its turn. Knowledge in science, as Whitehead said, keeps like fish. An awareness from my reading of history of the ephemeral nature of most concepts about the nature of things freed me to challenge received opinions in medicine. For me everything now believed by scientists is open to question, and I am always dismayed to find that many scientists accept current knowledge as forever fixed. They confuse the product with the process.
Reductionist OpinionsEarly in my medical career I undertook some research in biochemistry. To this I brought some ideas, but the success of our experiments on aspects of the oxidation of the kidney tissue was largely due to the technical expertise of my collaborator, who later went on to become a distinguished biochemist. An unexpected result of our experiments was the destruction by our data of a dogma concerning oxidation that the great German chemist Otto Warburg had pronounced. I thought little of that and was astonished one day when a German biochemist who learned of our results told me that it would have been impossible to publish them in Germany. He meant that the awe in which Warburg was held would have led to editorial rejection of our report. From this episode I may date my strong interest in all the obstacles that confront the conduct of original research and the communication of its results.'
- Dr. Ian Stevenson,
Some of My Journeys in Medicine</blockquote>
Context The Treasure - Victory of the Heart -
((Hapto)praxeology) - '..theorem is derived ultimately from the postulate of human action..' - Dr. Fabio Barbieri<blockquote>
Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth DefectsTwenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation: Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged(Electric Universe) - '..History speaks only to those people who know how to interpret it on the ground of correct theories.' - Mises(MIX) To Mend the Soul - '..a higher purpose..' - '..to "change the game rules on Earth." 'Affectivity, Action, Electricity - '..in order to preserve society itself..'(NASA) - The Electric Atmosphere: Plasma Is Next NASA Science TargetOliver Lodge 1851-1940 - '..to replace the old materialistic view that man had only a material body..'(Love) '..scientific and spiritual in equal measure .. truth.'</blockquote>