<blockquote>'How our genes getting expressed..'
- Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn (<a href="[
www.youtube.com] 47:21</a>)
'Mind body medicine .. the power of the mind to alter the body.'
- Steve Paulson (<a href="[
www.youtube.com] 44:33</a>)</blockquote>
Context '..“consciousness in action,”..' -
‘For it is through actions that the mind and reality make contact.’<blockquote>
'..the praxeological element in social phenomena will help to explain why it so long succeeded in eluding the attention of so many brilliant thinkers..'- Israel M. Kirzner, <a href="[
oll.libertyfund.org]: Economics as a Science of Human Action</a>
"Human action is a
manifestation of the mind." - Ludwig von Mises
((Hapto)praxeology) - '..human personality .. cannot be satisfactorily explained by genetics, environmental influences, or a combination of these.' - Dr. Ian StevensonMario Beauregard, Ph.D.