<blockquote>'..Kirzner holds that the exercise of entrepreneurship entails a special
alertness; that is, a constant
vigilance, which permits a person to discover and grasp what goes on around him. Perhaps Kirzner uses the English term “alertness” because
entrepreneurship originates from French and in English does not imply the idea of
prehendo that it does in the continental romance languages. In any case, the Spanish adjective
perspicaz is quite appropriate to entrepreneurship, since, as the
Diccionario of the Real Academia Española informs us, it applies to “vision or a gaze which is far-sighted and very sharp.” This idea fits in perfectly with the activity the entrepreneur engages in when he decides which actions he will carry out and estimates the future effect of those actions..'
- Jesús Huerta de Soto,
Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship, page 26</blockquote>
(Haptopraxeology) - Affective Human Action '..even from within the maternal womb.' (economics)(MIX) To Mend the Soul - '..a higher purpose..' - '..to "change the game rules on Earth." '(Earth Defence - Earth Shield) - Faraday - Tesla - 'The Accelerating Winds of Venus.' (Electric Universe - Solar Climate Change)For the good of all of us: CERN launches open source hardware effort - By Ryan Paul(In The Electric Universe) Open Source Infrastructure, beginning of the Enterprise Nervous System (ENS)</blockquote>