

(Open Source) - To Heal '..biotechnology and life sciences, the use of OpenBEL..'

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>'Selventa released OpenBEL as an open source project in June 2012 after successfully using it for more than 10 years to better understand drug efficacy and toxicity, identify mechanisms for drug sensitivity and resistance, and provide deeper insight into disease networks using multiple types of Big Data. Since then it has been used in research by other companies, research organizations, and universities, including AstraZeneca, The Fraunhofer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Novartis, Pfizer, and University of California at San Diego, among others. Foundation Medicine is also joining OpenBEL to advance its mission to bring comprehensive cancer genomic analysis to routine clinical care.

Distinctly different industries are all looking to take advantage of the collaborative development model to accelerate and advance software. Through its Collaborative Projects services, The Linux Foundation provides the essential collaborative and organizational framework so projects can focus on innovation and results. OpenBEL will tap into more than a decade of expertise that The Linux Foundation has in forming and shepherding successful open source projects, including Linux, in hopes that it can parlay that knowledge into a thriving open source project and community that will lead to medical and scientific breakthroughs.

In biotechnology and life sciences, the use of OpenBEL and its standard way of expressing information can accelerate the pace of technology innovation and scientific discovery in areas such as network visualization of neural brain function; understanding of complex inter-related disease biology; comparison of human diseases with various animal models; deep investigation of drug efficacy and toxicity; as well as development of innovative therapeutics and diagnostics for personalized healthcare.

The OpenBEL project advances these disciplines with the use of a common Biological Expression Language (BEL) that represents scientific findings in a computable form by capturing causal and correlative relationships in context. It also includes the BEL framework, an open platform designed to capture, integrate and store knowledge within an organization and with its partners. Central to the design of the framework is the ability to integrate knowledge across different representational vocabularies and ontologies. This allows organizations to combine knowledge from disparate sources into centralized knowledge repositories. The combined knowledge can be made available to a variety of decision support and analytical applications through a standardized set of computable networks and APIs.'

- Life Sciences Information Framework OpenBEL to Become a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project August 26, 2013</blockquote>


<blockquote>Life Sciences Information Framework OpenBEL to Become a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project, 2013

Linux Foundation and OpenBEL collaboration has potential to advance science, 2013

Selventa Releases OpenBEL as Open Source and Encourages the Community to Participate in an OpenBEL Consortium, 2012

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(Open Source Medication) - To Heal - '..energy is critical to an understanding of how your cells work.'

(The Electric Universe - Electrified plasma) To Heal - '..the new world of plasma medicine..'</blockquote>