'..how humans think about information and community.''If industrialization and world wars created one model of management hierarchy shared by business and the military, perhaps the next set of management ideas should be spawned by the Internet and the upheaval it has prompted in how humans think about information and community.'
(Bazaarmodel) - Orders From on High? That’s So Yesterday - “The Future of Management”'..an end to repressive command-and-control management practices that cause much labor unrest and personal misery, from the top to the bottom of many organizations.''Even so, my purpose is much more subversive than merely recounting an unlikely success story. I believe the old way of doing business is dying, and the sooner it's dead and buried the better off we all will be. Incendiary words, yet Semco's alliance with Cushman & Wakefield, as well as other joint ventures that I will describe shortly, suggests that the transition from the old to the new can be hugely profitable and not nearly as socially disruptive as might be feared at first. On the contrary, the path Semco has been blazing for more than twenty years has led to an unprecedented record of innovation, customer satisfaction, growth, and an end to repressive command-and-control management practices that cause much labor unrest and personal misery, from the top to the bottom of many organizations.'
- Ricardo Semler,
The Seven-Day Weekend'..mankind first got an inkling of what it was really capable of.''The masters became servants: wealthy servants, but servants nonetheless .. the "Age of Liberalism" lasted from 1815 to 1914: a golden century in which mankind first got an inkling of what it was really capable of.'
'May sound ideas win the day, and may human society flower again.'Context(To Heal) - Healing Grief and Trauma - '..the means to alleviate a great amount of human suffering..'1914 - '..they would never have taken part in the activities of June 28.'(Catastrophe) BBC - 28 June 1914: Archduke assassinated'..our thousands of years of history is a long post traumatic stress disorder..' -
'..a problem of seeing..'(To Heal) The Electric Universe - '..unless we understand our past..'(Kets de Vries) The Leader On The Couch - '..authentic organizations and leaders can be nurtured into existence.'