<blockquote>'The bullying of small countries by big ones, the trampling of justice and decency in the pursuit of national aggrandisement, and reckless indifference to human life should have no place in our world.'
- Tony Abbott, July 18, 2014</blockquote>
'..shot down by a Russian-made weapon and effectively blamed Russia for “facilitating the killing of Australian citizens”.'<blockquote>'Tony Abbott, Australia’s prime minister, has labelled the attack on MH17 a crime and signalled he blamed Russian aggression, as Australia experienced one of its worst aviation disasters with at least 28 dead.
Declaring he was “filled with revulsion,” Mr Abbott summoned the Russian ambassador in Canberra to ensure that Moscow participates with an official investigation.
Barely containing his fury at a press conference, Mr Abbott indicated he would not allow Vladimir Putin to visit Australia to attend a G20 summit in November if Russia does not cooperate with the investigation. He said the plane was probably shot down by a Russian-made weapon and effectively blamed Russia for “facilitating the killing of Australian citizens”.'
Australian prime minister Tony Abbott points the finger for MH17 attack at Russia as 28 Australians confirmed dead, July 18, 2014</blockquote>
'..prepare for a full embargo on bilateral trade with Russia..''..Russia[n] .. Anti-Aircraft Weapons..' - 'Ukraine Separatist Leader Boasts Of Downing Plane' - '..Putin .. ICC..'</blockquote>